
Volume XVI Number 21 – December 29, 2017

We at TCR wish all our readers a great holiday season and an even better New Year.

Volume XVI Number 20 – December 18, 2017

Jerusalem is the capital of Israel and the U.S. will move its embassy there just like we do in every country in the world that we have relations with. Russia took the step of recognizing this fact last spring.

Volume XVI Number 19 – November 28, 2017

This fall in Harris County (Houston), Republicans have been wondering if we will have a real choice other than the most unsuccessful chair in modern history (Simpson).

Volume XVI Number 18 – November 15, 2017

In a low turnout election, a small percentage of voters voted for all of the $1.495 billion City of Houston bond issues.

Volume XVI Number 17 – October 24, 2017

There is only one issue you should focus on in the November elections – Flood Control and abatement.

Volume XVI Number 16 – October 12, 2017

“Study, delay, no money, not worth it, other priorities,” these are just some of the excuses for inaction in regards to our regional flooding problem.

Volume XVI Number 15 – September 29, 2017

When is the rot of politicization of everything and the spread of political correctness going to stop? We don’t know about you, but your Editor has had enough.

Volume XVI Number 14 – September 20, 2017

First let’s be clear, the Harvey historic flood was going to be a problem even if we had gotten everything right, because of the biblical scale we suffered.

Volume XVI Number 13 – September 6, 2017

Symbolic of poor planning and neglect of our regional flooding problem, the City of Houston has a proposed bond issue for November of around $1.6 billion, and the amount for flood control is zero!

Volume XVI Number 12 – August 21, 2017

The Special Session No. 1 is history. The State Senate worked hard and quickly and passed a lot of legislation.

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