Hard Hitting Conservative Commentary by Gary M. Polland

Volume XVI Number 12 – August 21, 2017

Thoughts This Fortnight

Texas Legislature Special
Session Number 1 In The Books
The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly

The Special Session No. 1 is history. The State Senate worked hard and quickly and passed a lot of legislation. The Senate passed Property tax reform, Privacy Bill, Vouchers for disabled students, no union dues collection by the state, all good. The bad, the House never voted on the Privacy Bill, vouchers, union dues collections and spending limits. The ugly, the House adjourned without appointing a conference committee to seek to resolve the differences with the Senate.

Unfortunately, it appears there are only 52 House members we can count on to vote conservative. That is not a majority, although many Republicans not in the 52 ran as conservatives and just don’t vote that way. It’s time for a change.

North Korean ICBM’s,
Now We Wish We Fully Funded “Star Wars”

It now seems clear that so called negotiations with North Korea since the Bill Clinton era has accomplished little or nothing. Now we face a psychotic communist regime that will have the capacity to hit the mainland USA with nuclear tipped ICBM’s. Added to that fact is Iran is a partner in North Korean activities, so you can expect the same level of nuclear threat from Iran too.

Based on North Korea’s history we are not sure MAD will work.

There is one thing we know will work – a multiple layered defensive system designed to shoot down ICBM’s, cruise missiles and the like. In other words, we need President Reagan‘s Star Wars shield. Unfortunately, the plan proposed in the 1980’s has made some progress but it was handicapped by Democratic underfunding and obstruction.

It’s past time that we have a reliable defensive system. Let’s get moving.

Political Correctness Kills A Broadway Show,
Happy Now?

This is a little different subject matter for TCR, but it is instructive as to the corrosive effect of political correctness. The musical with 12 Tony Award nominations, including Best Musical was Natasha, Pierre & The Great Comet of 1812. The show originally starred Josh Groban, which was a big draw and it had a large diverse cast with a unique set.

So here is where PC comes in and destroys the show. After Josh Groban left on July 3, 2017, the producers cast a Hamilton veteran Okieriete Onaodowan (who happens to be a black actor) to fill the title role for 9 weeks. The box office plummeted, so the producers, with the actor’s okay, agreed to cut off his role after 6 weeks and hired Broadway and television star Mandy Patinkin (white) to take his place, which would return sold out crowds to the theater. BUT the decision sparked anger from some in the Broadway community. They said it was “racially motivated” so Patinkin dropped out and then Onaodowan dropped out effective August 13, 2017.

Anyone who knows the economics of New York theater understands star power and the box office.

So, the issue was economics, not race. PC instead killed a fine show and caused hundreds of multiracial theater professionals to be laid off. Are the PC’s happy now?

Time For The Texas House Speaker
To Be Picked In The GOP Caucus

So, we have finished our regular session and a special session is over. Some initial issues failed to get passed, the Bettencourt property tax reform bill, the privacy bill, school vouchers, defunding Planned Parenthood.

The Senate quickly passed 18 of 20 issues put forward by Governor Abbott. The House moved at a snail’s pace. Incredibly, on property tax reform, the Speaker and his Lieutenant, Representative Dennis Bonnen, failed to appoint any conference committee members. And then incredibly, Representative Dan Huberty moved to adjourn the session early so the bill died.

It’s past time to let liberal Democrats pick the Republican Speaker. The GOP Caucus needs to vote to bind its members to vote for the caucus choice as speaker so we can have a Republican Speaker.

Pro Sports In Houston: Is The Goal
To Be A Champion Or Be Competitive?

TCR is a political newsletter, but today let’s look at pro sports in Houston.

Pro sports are an important part of the Houston community. Pro sports are big business with massive national TV contracts that guarantee profitability.

The decision that owners need to make is, do they want to be competitive or do they want to be champions?

In Houston, there are interesting and disturbing developments in the last year. First, the Astros have developed an outstanding farm system and a fine team. However, the failure to make moves at the trade deadline, to fill the team needs; relief and starting pitching, lends one to think a championship is not being sought because it costs too much.

Next the Texans, a popular franchise which has now won a handful of Division Championships, but not made any real noise in the playoffs. This year with a good to great defense, the team lacks the stud offensive lineman needed for success. There were quality free agents available, but the Texans passed.

Finally, the Rockets owner, Les Alexander, has done all he can to field a championship. Injuries and bad luck has impacted them but they spend money and make moves. They are over the salary cap and this year is promising. This is the one Houston team seeking a championship.

Thoughts Regarding The Cultural
Revolution In The US

By Gary Bauer

The Cultural Revolution

In the 1960s, China’s communist rulers literally declared war against Chinese history, habits and symbols as Mao Zedong and his revolutionaries attempted to fundamentally transform China in their image. It ripped the social fabric of China. More than a million people were killed.

A similar cultural revolution may be underway in America. Last night, a mob tore down and destroyed a monument to a Southern soldier in Durham, North Carolina. Per local media report, the mob was led by anti-fascists, the Democratic Socialists of America and the communist World Workers party.

The fringe left is on fire. Its seething hatred of America has been unleashed. “Charlottesville is just the beginning,” one far left website declared. Another proudly proclaims that “capitalism is in crisis” and “The American state is collapsing.”

I am glad the North won the Civil War. But I am disgusted by the left’s desire to purge our history. I am sickened by the left’s disrespect for property. And I am outraged by the left’s eagerness to suppress opinions it disagrees with.

The left’s tendency toward totalitarianism and violent behavior is dangerous. It must be resisted just as vehemently as the racism of the KKK.

Will any reporter today ask Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer or Elizabeth Warren to denounce the Communist party and the mob violence against historical landmarks?

Carried to its logical conclusion, eventually mobs will be marching on Monticello and Constitution Hall. Al Sharpton is on the record already. He said that the Jefferson Memorial cannot be permitted to stand as a publicly funded national monument.

Ultimately, this isn’t about Southern slave owners in the 1850s. The far-left hates America – all of it, North and South, now and today. Our schools all too often are not teaching American history. They are teaching anti-American history.

Irony Abounds

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) issued a statement demanding that “every street, every school, every flag, and every public memorial honoring those who took up arms in defense of white supremacy and slavery” be removed or have its name changed.

That’s an interesting position for CAIR to take since it would require that every mosque in America be shut down. Mosques are dedicated to the teachings of Muhammad and Muhammad owned slaves. He took opponents as slaves after they were defeated on the battlefield.

Also, joining the fray is Planned Parenthood, which tweeted, “#StandWithCharlottesville against racism & hate in your community.” This is coming from an organization founded by Margaret Sanger, who was a disgusting eugenicist. Her purpose in founding Planned Parenthood was to weed out “less desirable” populations.

Gary Bauer is one of America’s most effective spokesmen for pro-life, pro-family, and pro-growth values. Bauer is a frequent guest on a wide variety of political talk shows and a much-in-demand speaker nationwide. Read more.

TCR on the Air

Red, White & Blue featuring TCR Editor Gary Polland and liberal commentator David Jones on Fridays at 7:30 pm on PBS Houston Channel 8, replaying Saturday at 6:30 p.m. on Channel 8, Monday at 11:30 pm on Channel 8.2 and on the web at www.houstonpublicmedia.org.

Red, White & Blue returns in September with all new shows for your weekly political information fix.

About Your Editor

Gary Polland is a long-time conservative and Republican spokesman, fund-raiser, and leader who completed three terms as the Harris County Republican Chairman. During his three terms, Gary was described as the most successful county Chairman in America by Human Events – The National Conservative Weekly. He is in his twenty-first year of editing a newsletter dealing with key conservative and Republican issues. The last sixteen years he has edited Texas Conservative Review. As a public service for the last 13 years, Gary has published election guides for the GOP primary, general elections and city elections, all with the purpose of assisting conservative candidates. Gary is also in his 15th year of co-hosting Red, White and Blue on PBS Houston, longest running political talk show in Texas history. Gary is a practicing attorney and strategic consultant. He can be reached at (713) 621-6335.

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