Volume VI Number 18 – December 27, 2007
The Democrats victory in a GOP district in Fort Worth (State Representative District 97) is bad news and continues our downward spiral.
The Democrats victory in a GOP district in Fort Worth (State Representative District 97) is bad news and continues our downward spiral.
Low turnout and spending increases funded by bond issues characterized this year’s election cycle in Texas.
Over the last few weeks the emerging Harris County Judge primary contest between current Judge Ed Emmett & challenger, former Harris County District Clerk Charles Bacarisse, has erupted over the property tax issue.
The recent move by Rep. Kirk England (R D-Grand Prairie) has left the GOP leadership surprised & disappointed.
TCR is at loss as to why the U.S is primed to allow foreign trucks on the U.S highways.
TCR has recently been researching the causes and possible cures for our rising crime rate in Texas.
As we watched the recent legislature debate dealing with the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP), it seems like it was all on the terms of those who want to aggressively expand the program.
Harris County Sheriff Tommy Thomas has come under assault by the far-left ranging from Sheila Jackson Lee to emotional editorial writers ranting about supposed problems with “jail standards.”
TCR agrees that the present nonfunctioning immigration system is on three flat tires and that the federal government has pretty much failed in securing the borders, clearly we need something better.
The great conservative era in Texas politics was to be an era where common sense conservative programs and principles would be followed and implemented.
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