Hard Hitting Conservative Commentary by Gary M. Polland
Volume XXIII Number 4 – April 16, 2024
Thoughts This Fortnight
In Case You Missed It… What’s Your Point Replays
In case you missed Editor-in-Chief/Publisher Gary Polland on Fox 26’s What’s Your Point on Sunday, links to the replays are included below.
What’s Your Point Full Show https://youtu.be/s4AKtefwTsE
What’s Your Point Overtime https://youtu.be/ncFx5VenVao
April 15, 2024: Ten Years Later and Nothing Has Changed
Ten Years ago on April 15, 2014, former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld included a letter (below) with his tax return bemoaning the complicated tax code that he admitted he did not understand and that, in his opinion, most Americans did not understand.

10 years later, nothing has changed. It is still complicated, costly to comply with, and a drag on the economy that provides the revenues that the government is all too happy to redistribute or use to pay the exploding interest on the $34 trillion national debt created by money-printing Administrations gone wild.
Reform of the system is long overdue. Sadly, 10 years from now, the lament will likely be the same, unless some of our leaders find the courage to change the system or until John and Jane Q. Taxpayer lead a revolt.
1. Houston’s new Mayor John Whitmire is drinking from a firehose. The city he took over was in freefall. Despite that, he still gets a B. TCR wonders why, regarding finding money to pay the settlement with the firefighters, that the first answer is raising taxes on strapped Houston taxpayers. A tax increase should be the last answer after tapping METRO, TIRZs and eliminating waste at the city.
2. Iran ‘s Attack on Israel shows clearly who the terrorists are, and several supporters of Hamas and Iran in our country are considered part of the Democratic party base that President Biden is appeasing. Meanwhile, for domestic political appeasement, Biden advises Israel to not respond to over 300 missiles and drones sent to Israel by Iran. Biden and his advisors have forgotten the lessons for a safe world from President Ronald Reagan-peace through strength. Biden’s advice if followed is a prescription for the end of Israel and any other free nation in the face of radical Islamic terrorists.
3. Hats off to State Senator Paul Bettencourt and Attorney General Ken Paxton for taking on the unconstitutional giveaway of public funds to 1900 chosen ones in limited zip codes of Harris County. The $20.5 million in one-time federal funds could have been used in productive areas of need like public safety, infrastructure, or this novel idea— take care of the under $50,000-a-year Harris County employees who are working daily for us. By the way, no one is asking what happens after the program and funds are gone. Hold on to your wallet because the Democrats on Commissioners Court are gunning for a tax increase so they can continue and spread their giveaways far and wide. As for how the money is spent no rules, as far as job requirements no rules. The Democrats are perfecting the art of buying votes to get elected with public money.