Hard Hitting Conservative Commentary by Gary M. Polland

Volume XXIII Number 3 – March 25, 2024

Thoughts This Fortnight

In Case You Missed It… What’s Your Point Replays

In case you missed Gary Polland’s appearance on Fox 26’s What’s Your Point with Greg Groogan on Sunday, March 24 2024, here are links to the replays:

What’s Your Point (main) https://youtu.be/2P_SEq4C2Jk

What’s Your Point Overtime https://youtu.be/-s-t1FdEHZA

Congratulations to TCR-Endorsed Candidates!

TCR would like to congratulate all our endorsed candidates who either won outright (which most did) or received enough votes to advance to the runoff election on May 28, 2024. Here they are:

President Donald J. Trump

U.S Senator
Ted Cruz

U.S. Representative District 2
Dan Crenshaw

U.S. Representative District 7
Kenneth Omoruyi (RUNOFF)

U.S. Representative District 29
Alan Garza (RUNOFF)

U.S. Representative District 36
Brian Babin

Railroad Commissioner
Christi Craddick

Justice, Supreme Court, Place 4
John Devine

Presiding Judge, Court of Criminal Appeals
David J. Shenck

Judge, Court of Criminal Appeals Place 7
Gina Parker

Judge, Court of Criminal Appeals Place 8
Lee Finley

State Senator, District 7
Paul Bettencourt

State Representative, District 15
Steve Toth

State Representative, District 24
Greg Bonnen

State Representative, District 26
Matt Morgan

State Representative, District 28
Gary Gates

State Representative, District 85
Stan Kitzman

State Representative, District 128
Briscoe Cain

State Representative, District 133
Mana DeAyala

State Representative, District 138
Lacey Hull

Justice, 9th Court of Appeals District, Place 4
Kent Chambers

Justice, 14th Court of Appeals District, Place 4
Tanya McLaughlin

Sheriff-Fort Bend County
Marshall Slot (RUNOFF)

Sheriff-Galveston County
Jimmy Fullen

Sheriff-Harris County
Mike Knox

Sheriff-Montgomery County
Rand Henderson

Fort Bend County Commissioner Precinct 3
Andy Meyers

Montgomery County Commissioner Precinct 3
James Noack

Fort Bend County Constable, Precinct 4
Mike Beard

Galveston County Constable, Precinct 1
Blake Patton

Galveston County Constable, Precinct 2
Paul Edinburgh

Harris County Justice of the Peace, Precinct 5, Place 1
James Lombardino

Meet Kenneth Omoruyi-The TCR-Endorsed
Candidate for Congressional District 7

As mentioned in the previous article, Kenneth Omoruyi, who is running for the Republican nomination to challenge Democrat Lizzie Fletcher for Congress in District 7, is one of the TCR-endorsed candidates who has advanced to the runoff election on Tuesday, May 28, 2024. What follows is the reason why TCR endorsed Kenneth and why we believe Kenneth is the best choice to challenge Lizzie Fletcher in November.

Kenneth Omoruyi is a first-generation American, a Christian, a proud father of triplet girls, and a Certified Public Accountant married to a physician.

Omoruyi immigrated legally to the U.S. over a decade ago. Those early years in the U.S. presented challenges that Kenneth overcame with unwavering faith in GOD and a strong work ethic. Kenneth not only became a CPA but also founded three small businesses and earned national recognition as one of the Outstanding Young CPAs by the American Institute of CPAs.

Kenneth’s passion for education drove him to earn an adjunct professorship role teaching accounting and tax at a local community college. Most recently, Kenneth earned the prestigious Public Leadership Credential from the Harvard Kennedy School. In addition to playing the alto saxophone, Kenneth is active in the Lindale Assemblies of God church.

Kenneth feels a deep sense of duty to serve the public as a result of the opportunities he has experienced in this country. Having witnessed attacks on conservative values, families, and the nation, Kenneth believes his unique background can bring a fresh perspective to safeguard the principles that make this country exceptional.

Omoruyi has earned the support of influential figures and organizations like Jim “Mattress Mack” McIngvale, Riley Gaines (swimmer), Ray Hunt (Executive Director, Houston Police Officers Union), Coach Joe Kennedy (Religious Freedom Defender), Christian Collins (Texas Youth Summit), Texas Right to Life, Shilo Harris (War Hero), Sam Malone (Conservative Radio Icon), and numerous others. Kenneth’s campaign aims to unite people from all walks of life. Kenneth does not consider himself a politician but one of us. In his words, “Only in America would the child of a nobody become somebody without knowing anybody.” Kenneth’s commitment to public service is a pledge to fight for the Texas Congressional District 7 community and its families.

Kenneth’s platform includes expanding access to affordable healthcare, bringing innovative perspectives to improve educational systems, restoring integrity, accountability, and fiscal responsibility in Washington, and bringing practical, lasting solutions to the border crisis from a legal immigrant perspective.

Omoruyi is asking for help in his campaign. In his words, “Joining this history-making campaign means upholding the conservative values that define this nation. This journey is not a solo endeavor – collective help is needed. Together, a difference can be made for the district and this country! The relentless vigor and unifying appeal of my message, supported by individuals from diverse backgrounds, reflect the spirit needed to bring CD-7 back into the fold of the Republican Party.”

For more information about Kenneth, his platform and supporting his campaign, please visit https://kennethforcongress.com/


You all have heard the talk of a grand compromise over the last few weeks. We got the details, and it was in many instances a joke designed to give Joe Biden political cover on his failures at the border.

TCR’s recommendation remains to not pass anything that doesn’t close the border to all illegal entries. Biden and his democratic allies by their acts are telling us they have no intention of closing the border.



The apologists for President Biden increasing issues with memory are doing the country a disservice. The Special Prosecutor appointed by Biden’s Attorney General refused to prosecute the documents case because among other reasons than Biden is not mentally sound enough to stand trial. If that is the case, then he is not mentally sound enough to be President. The apologist has a simple option, have Biden evaluated. Instead, they attack the Special Prosecutor. Anyone can view online Biden in 2000 vs 2024 ending with the recent press conference and his strange state of the union (campaign speech) where it appeared he was on something as he read thru his speech rapidly. There is significant deterioration, and he shouldn’t be President. Donald Trump has had memory incidents also but to be fair, he is much more mentally sharp than Biden.


The Democrats goal is the is to turn Texas into a blue state. Since 2021, over ten million illegals have entered the country. By the way, that is a larger number of people than the entire population of 41 states! So let them in, give amnesty and they vote for Democrats. Also, this past week President Trump correctly pointed out non- citizen voters should not count in census that produce numbers for political redistricting as it gives disproportionate power to sanctuary states.


It seems now on a regular basis the loosely called “newspaper” the Houston Chronicle mixes up facts with the truth and editorial (opinion) with news.

Since the war between Israel and the radical Islamist terror group Hamas began, bias and misleading headlines on the news pages is a regular feature. Of course, only some of the reporting originates from the Chronicle. It’s mostly wire service misinformation relaying content from the Hamas propaganda operations.

For their local reporting, read on-line columnist Bill King who in a recent story stated that a study the Chronicle relied on, overestimates the numbers for total rapes and pregnancies significantly.

TCR debunked the inaccurate headline on the front-page February 4, 2024, which significantly overstated the number of people going to jail without any legal basis in a successful effort to smear DA Kim Ogg. In fact, the Chronicle smeared Ogg on at least 20 occasions during her campaign this year. But they weren’t done, on the same day in the Outlook section they cited as fact debunked 18-month period statistics claiming in Texas there were 26,000 pregnancies due to rape from an extrapolation of 212,000 alleged rapes. It turns out in Texas in 2023 there were 16,500 reported rapes (and that’s too many). So, the Chronicle was off by 90%. Their purpose is to trash the Texas abortion law designed to protect life. The Chronicle again manipulated facts to support their extreme position of legal abortion right up to birth.

And finally in the February 18, 2024 edition, the outrageous misinformation (not objective “journalism”) and misleading headlines continued. The endorsement opus on the Kim Ogg- Shawn Teare democratic primary chaos, Teare is “neither an activist nor is a soft on crime” reformer. Did the Chronicle bother to read Teare’s ACLU questionnaire?

Here are a few outrageous responses: (1) Teare supports no money bail for misdemeanors which means free bail. (2) Teare supports ending certification of juveniles currently used only in the most violent felony crimes. (3) Teare supports pretrial release (free bond without any limit) (4) Teare supports significant reduction in the jail numbers in Harris County – he failed to say yes or no on ACLU’s seeking a promise of a yearly reduction. But Teare does say: “I am dedicated to addressing the underlying issues that contribute to the high incarceration rate.” Left unsaid the estimated percent of the jail population that’s considered violent is over 80%. So to reduce the jail population he will need to release violent accused criminals to the street. Public safety conveniently ignored.

But the Chronicle continues to ignore the facts.

Sunday before the election was a big day as there was yet another so called objective news story (but really a hatchet job) on respected attorney Rachel Palmer Hooper. She was hired as outside counsel on the Lina Hidalgo 3 case. Another example of bias and double standards by the Chronicle when the Houston City Attorney and the Harris County Attorney have a history of outsourcing cases. We don’t recall the Chronicle complaining about those activities. The story is grossly misleading: Hildalgo probe led by career GOP operative. Her large law firm was in fact hired as an outside counsel, due to their expertise in these types of cases. The article neglects to explain why the investigation wasn’t done properly or why the investigation was not factual or why Hooper is not a well-qualified and respected attorney.

Why isn’t the Chronicle investigating why $12 million of County funds in the Elevate Strategies COVID outreach bid fixing matter where millions were paid out for little, or no work done? Why hasn’t the money been returned to Harris County?

Finally, in what may be the ultimate outrage it’s been reported, the Chronicle opinion editor Lisa Falkenberg and maybe other employees were electioneering at polling places on election day by handing out their “slate” of primary candidates.


Prolific conservative author and attorney Kurt Schlichter in his latest book, The Attack is ripped from today’s headlines written after the October 7 Hamas surprise (terrorist) attack on Israel.

Schlichter with input from key military and counter terrorism experts extrapolates the Hamas attack into a similar, but a larger scale one on the U.S mainland. Starting with a massive terror attack on the homeland over three days and then the reaction as the U.S. awakens from its slumber and finally takes down Iran centered axis of evil.

This is an essential read and a warning for us to get prepared for the consequences of open borders and our foolhardy foreign and domestic policies. Your editor read it in two sittings and it’s available on Amazon or your favorite book seller.

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