Hard Hitting Conservative Commentary by Gary M. Polland
Volume XXII Number 7 – December 28, 2023
Happy Holidays!
All of us at TCR hope you are having a great holiday season and hope you had a very Merry Christmas or Happy Hanukkah. We also wish you a Happy New Year filled with health, wealth, and prosperity. Who knows, perhaps 2024 will even deliver a Republican president if we all work hard enough!
In Memoriam
Michael Boylan
10/20/1932 – 11/21/2023
By Gary Polland

Texas conservatives lost a great pioneer of the movement with the passing of Michael “Mike” Boylan this year. Mike was a founding member of the Associated Republicans of Texas, an advisor to numerous Republican elected officials and candidates and a mentor to conservatives throughout the decades.
I was proud to work side-by-side with Mike to advance conservative causes and was honored to present him the Harris County Party Republican Pioneer Award in my role as HCRP Chairman (1996-2002). Mike’s wise counsel was always welcomed by those fortunate enough to receive it and it and his institutional wisdom shall be greatly missed from our Texas political landscape.
To read Mike’s obituary, please click here.
Congratulations to TCR-Endorsed Candidates
Who Claimed Victory in City Runoff
TCR would like to congratulate our endorsed candidates in the December Runoff Election who won their races: Julian Ramirez, Houston City Council, At-Large 1; Pastor Willie Davis, Houston City Council, At-Large 2 and Twila Carter, Houston City Council, At-Large 3.
The inauguration of these and all newly elected and re-elected city officials will occur on January 2, 2024 at 9:00 a.m. at the Wortham Center.
By Gary Polland
Since the October 7 savage invasion and murder of an estimated 1200 people—the vast majority of whom were civilians, women, and children – the world reaction tells one a lot. We learned who are with the civilized world and who is with the murdering, raping savages. Some observers seemed surprised where some people stand, but not your editor. What follows are comments or vignettes that both impress and trouble me in no particular order.
(1) The Western world including the U.S. funded UNRWA (the special refugee group created only for Palestinians by the U.N. decades ago with no real progress toward normalization) whose teachers (approved by Hamas) instruct children to hate Israel and Jews and where teachers in many instances glorify Hamas and its death cult. So, in essence we are funding jihadists & terrorists.
(2) Hamas lies about its deaths, understating terrorist deaths and grossly overstating civilian casualties. Essentially, the claims of civilian deaths a faked and part of the Hamas propaganda war on Israel. The sad thing here is most Western medias has been seduced into believing the lies and spreading them. As detailed in the Daily Alert:
“A close review of Gaza casualty figures reported by the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), based Hamas Ministry of Health numbers, proves they are falsified, with the numbers of women and children grossly inflated.”
“On Oct. 19, Hamas reported 3,785 deaths vs. 3,478 the previous day or +307. But the number of children killed magically moved up from 853 to 1,524 or +671. The Oct. 18 report said deaths were 25% children, but next day the figure jumped to 40%.”
“On Oct. 26, Hamas reported 481 new fatalities. Remarkably, the number of women and children killed jumped by 626 that same day. Apparently, no men died that day. On Oct. 29, 302 new fatalities were reported, which somehow comprised 199 women and 129 children, which totals 328, 26 more than total fatalities.”
“On Oct. 31, 216 new fatalities were reported. Fatalities of women and children were 210, which means only 6 men were killed that day. On Nov. 7, Hamas reported 306 new fatalities, 302 of whom were women and children, which means only 4 men were killed.”
(3) The explosion of antisemitism especially from the left is alarming and yet not surprising. It is not hard to say what happened on October 7 was an open and shut case for moral condemnation. The Hamas murderers filmed their atrocities and fled back to Gaza. Hamas supporters have copied the actions of pro-Nazi demonstrations in the 1930s and like the Nazis are violent unlike the peaceful, law abiding pro-Israel demonstrations. Many traditional liberals have been shaken to their cores by the acts of radical left-wing violence. Weak kneed Democrats have been quiet or supportive of these acts for too long. Maybe they are finally waking up to the dangers of the woke-left.
(4) Jewish hate has never gone away for centuries and yes it includes anti-Zionism, Israel was created to insure “never again” is not overcome by saying “lets finish the job”.
Per Michael Oren, former Israeli ambassador to the U.S.,
“Jews are considered outside and beneath humans. Once we’ve been reduced to unsalvageable, the minute our murder becomes both necessary and laudable, the Jews are ripe for extermination.”
“In spite of Israel or because of Israel, either way the mass dehumanization of Jews that produced the Final Solution is being widely replicated today. And we, the Jewish people, can neither afford to ignore it or leave ourselves unprepared. The ovens of Auschwitz are still warm and getting hotter. The vast conflagration we call Holocaust was never fully extinguished. It burns, rather, beneath mounds of Jewish ashes, an ember ready to ignite.”
That’s why Israel and the Jewish people face an extinction threat.
(5) Let Israel do what it needs to do without pious lectures from so-called experts on how it needs to wage war. What is happening per the Daily Kickoff is they are getting worthless advice from U.S. voices like Vice-President Harris when she recently said:
“As Israel has ramped up its military offensive against Hamas in Gaza. Biden administration officials have offered carefully calibrated messages to Israel – supporting Israel’s fight to defeat Hamas while cautioning that civilians in Gaza must not be targeted. When asked if Israel is obeying or violating the laws of war, White House officials have generally said that they will not weigh in on Israeli military actions. On Wednesday, Vice President Kamala Harris took a different approach: When asked during an interview at the New York Times DealBook Summit whether Israel is following the laws of war, she left the question (incredibly) open.”
Because behind the scenes, enormous pressure is being put on Israel. I guess it’s based on our track record of failure in Afghanistan, Ukraine, etc.
(6) Henry Kissinger’s advice in his last interview before his death said thumbs down on a two-state solution:
“The difficulty or the two-state solution is shown by the experience of Hamas. Gaza was made quasi-independent by [former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon in order to test the possibility of a two-state solution.”
”It has led, in fact, to a much more complex situation. It has become so much worse in the last two years than it [was] in 2004. So, the two-state solution doesn’t guarantee that what we saw in the last weeks won’t happen again.”
And yet the Biden administration is pushing that idea. What happened after Gaza was gifted to the Palestinians?
“Israel gave Gaza to the Palestinians, who promptly elected Hamas, which is dedicated to the destruction of the Jewish state. Hamas did nothing to promote peace with Israel. It turned Gaza into a launching pad for repeated terrorist attacks and promising even more atrocities in the future”.
Is this any way to live a life when your home is about terrorists who what to rape, abuse and kill you and your children?
Remember that the October 7 attacks were conducted in Israel.