Hard Hitting Conservative Commentary by Gary M. Polland
Volume XXII Number 3 – November 2, 2023
Click here for voting times and locations
Thoughts This Fortnight
This November Houston faces a critical election. The last eight years has seen a significant deterioration in public safety, infrastructure, mobility, and the declining quality of our public education system.
In fact, the only area of growth in Houston is the amount of public corruption epitomized by the 800 Middle Street Project under construction near Buffalo Bayou, which is adjacent to a forever toxic dumpsite, a former battery recycling center, and a state funded site. Incredibly, the property contains unsafe levels of arsenic, barium, uranium, lead, mercury, and selenium per the Texas Commission of Environmental Quality. Observers cite the significant risks of the site being a cancer cluster in the years ahead. The project is chock full of Democratic insiders including key players close to Mayor Sylvester Turner, Commissioner Rodney Ellis’s wife.
Houston most definitely needs a Mayor and City Council who will stand up to the incompetence and corruption that permeates the city. The next Mayor will come from a few choices – Gilbert Garcia (TCR’s choice), John Whitmire, Sheila Jackson Lee, or Jack Christie. Mayor Turner’s pick is Sheila Jackson Lee, so no way you should vote for her. The others all have some desirable qualities.
We need to end business as usual at City Hall and we need a leader who will stand up against the failing status quo and close the door to the insiders who are costing the city by diverting scarce resources to non-essential areas. For more information and complete endorsement commentary click here.
Observing the aftermath of the Ken Paxton impeachment trial salvos fired between GOP factions in Texas and the battle between House Speaker Kevin McCarthy and his allies and Rep. Matt Gaetz and his band of seven friends, I am reminded of what is called a circular firing squad.
In fact, the eight who voted out Speaker McCarthy were only successful by aligning with every Democratic House member. The act they said they hated most was needing Democratic votes to pass a stop-gap budget for 45 days. Well, they did the same thing to remove McCarthy needing a united Democratic caucus to remove the speaker.
Your editor recalls that a war between GOP factions generally results in benefiting only one group – left -wing Democrats. Ronald Reagan understood that divided conservatives result in defeat. Reagan’s 11th Commandment, “Thou shall NOT speak ill of another Republican” is as relevant today as it was when he uttered it and all elected Republicans, from Precinct Chair to Speaker of the House, would do our Party well by living it.
So, if we agree on 75% plus of the issues, we should stay united. If we do not, we will harm most of our agenda. This is so critical because of the national crisis we face in so many areas and the challenges Texas faces as we grow adding population.
As for Matt Gaetz, TCR couldn’t put it better than GOP Rep. Carlos Gimenez who called him, “Biden’s favorite Republican.” The vote to vacate Speaker McCarthey’s chair will do nothing to advance conservatism but will help advance the Democratic left-wing agenda. Let’s hope that newly elected Speaker Mike Johnson can restore unity to the dysfunctional GOP and show leadership in governing.
For about Speaker Johnson view his official bio at https://mikejohnson.house.gov/about/
President Trump to Speak at Campaign
Rally In Houston on November 2nd
Event Details:
Thursday, November 02, 2023
Doors Open: 1:00 pm
Event Start 4:00 pm
Trendsetter Engineering, Inc.
10430 Rodgers Rd
Houston, TX 77070
To register for FREE tickets to the event, click here.
Vote Today!
Early Voting Continues Through November 3. Election Day November 7, 2023
Hours of Operation
Early Voting Hours are 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. except for Sunday October 29, 2023, which runs from 12 p.m.-7 p.m.
Election Day, November 7, 2023, hours are 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.
For a list of voting locations, visit https://www.harrisvotes.com/Vote-Centers
To view your sample ballot, visit https://www.harrisvotes.com/Voter/Whats-on-my-Ballot
In case you missed our recommendations, here they are again:
Mayor | Gilbert Garcia |
Controller | Orlando Sanchez |
City Council, District C | Perata PB Bradley |
City Council, District D | Travis McGee |
City Council, District E | Fred Flickinger |
City Council, District G | Tony Buzbee |
City Council, District H | Cynthia Reyes Revilla |
City Council, District J | Edward Pollard |
City Council, At-Large #1 | Julian Ramirez |
City Council, At-Large #2 | Willie Davis |
City Council, At-Large #3 | Twila Carter |
City Council, At-Large #4 | Roy Morales |
City of Houston
Prop. A – Yes
Prop. B – No
State Constitutional Amendments
Prop. 1 – Yes
Prop. 2 – No
Prop. 3 – Yes
Prop. 4 – Yes
Prop. 5 – No
Prop. 6 – No
Prop. 7 – Yes
Prop. 8 – No
Prop. 9 – Yes
Prop. 10 – No
Prop. 11 – Neutral
Prop. 12 – Yes
Prop. 13 – No
Prop. 14 – No
Do Not Be Fooled, It Is Iran That Needs To Be Destroyed
By Brian Ettinger
Cut off the head of the snake. Israel will deal with Hamas and unfortunately there will be massive loss of life to Israel Civilians, it’s Military and the Palestinian Civilians in the Gaza communities not involved with Hamas. This is what happens in a war. It will go on for many months and Israel will destroy the Gaza territory. It is interesting that Hamas chose to attack weak areas of Israel and not the settlements controlled by Russian Jews. But do not be fooled, Iran for the last 45 years, since 1979, held U.S. citizens from the U.S. Embassy in Tehran hostage for over 400 days. The Iran leaders, including their Revolutionary Guard, need to be taken out.
Our stupid U.S. leaders now debate if Iran was involved and stated that now is not the time to attack Iran. I state, now is the time. The U.S., with the UK, and any other NATO Countries including Israel need to attack Iran now and hit every military installation. This is the only thing Iran leaders understand; force and not appeasement like the UK did before the Second World War with the Nazis. This will change the Middle East picture and Hamas and Hezbollah will know Iran, their funding organization and weapons will not be supplied. This is why the U.S. needs to do this now. The morons at our Ivy League Universities and other fine Universities and major cities protest their support of Hamas and call them resistance fighters and blame the State of Israel should be held accountable just like the January 6 protesters. These cowards cover their faces. They should be proud to show who they are. These protestors and students should be held accountable, and our law enforcement should have a list of these people and publish it on social media so everyone knows who these antisemitic hateful individuals are.
The Biden Administration is letting everyone come in through the southern border and not vetting or knowing who is in our country. So, we can expect a terrorist attack here soon. The U.S. needs to take the lead and start bombing every military site in Iran. If it does, it now would send a clear message that the U.S. will not tolerate Iran and its terrorist network. First Iran then its proxy network. The U.S. needs to have our law enforcement monitor our universities pro Hamas terrorist organizations. I am not calling for harm to peaceful Palestinians but in Gaza the people there have been under Hamas rule for over 15 years who used these people as pawns, and it needs to stop NOW. Israel will do the hard work with Hamas and not back off by world opinion or UN Diplomacy bullshit. U.S. policy should not be appeasement and needs to show, resolve, and strengthen and it starts with Iran so do it now. Attack Iran Military sites, oil refineries and ports and the U.S. declares war on Iran.
I have discussed this with members of the National Security Agency, DOD and State and they do not get it and tell me we cannot do it based on international rules. I remind them of the Pearl Harbor attack, Iran taking and kidnapping U.S. Embassy Representatives holding them hostage and the 9/11 attack all not following any international law so now the U.S. has the justification to launch a first strike.