Hard Hitting Conservative Commentary by Gary M. Polland

Volume XX Number 12 – August 13, 2021

Thoughts This Fortnight

Here We Go Again,
Harris County Via Lina Hidalgo,
Back To Red Covid Level

The Covid-Delta variant is here and we have an increase in hospitalizations and positive tests.

Here is the question, does the vaccine work or not?

To be clear, we should take intelligent precautions, but lockdowns, Code Red stay home requests to avoid unnecessary contact with other humans suggests the spread is uncontrollable! It’s not.

This is more disturbing and misguided “leadership” from Hidalgo. Do we really want to go back to a year ago with school lockdowns and school, restaurant, gyms and theater closings?

Unconstitutional Eviction Moratorium

After being told by his legal advisors that having the CDC order a continuation of the eviction moratorium was unconstitutional, President Biden did it anyway.

What a mess! So since the Spring of 2020, there has been over a year of no rent payments, yet during the same time, the federal government who ordered it without any solutions.

By the way, during that time were property taxes and income taxes abated? No. Were utilities, landlord mortgages or utilities abated? No.

This illegal act needs to be overturned. With 9 million plus open jobs, it’s time to get back to normal.

Deception At Houston Chronicle Continues,
This Time Another Misleading Headline
Regarding Voting Reform

On the front page on August 8, 2021, the headline is “Concessions unlikely on voting bill” yet in paragraph two, the paper describes at least five concessions in the latest GOP bill!

It seems the one-sided editorials on this issue have bled into their news pages.

Also missing in the paper is coverage on the extensive accomplishment by the Texas Senate Saturday, on bail reform, property tax relief and other key issues.

Maybe the Chronicle should push for the boycotting Democrats to return to Austin and do their job or resign. That is responsible journalism.

The Texas Democrats Legislative Farce Continues

We are sure you recall that last month some (51), not all, Democratic state lawmakers left Texas to avoid a vote in the House on election reforms. They went to D.C. and cavorted around with uber leftist Democrats who in many instances would be unelectable in Texas. They have been gone for over a month and blocked the passage of critical legislation like bail bond reform, property tax relief and other important bills.

So we now have started a second special session and the House has authorized apprehending missing House members and bring them to the Capitol so they can do their jobs. On August 11, State Senator Carol Alvarado did a 15-hour filibuster to stop the Senate vote on election reform, finally ending with an 18-12 vote to advance the bill.

Last Sunday, 20 of the Democratic lawmakers actually filed suit against Governor Abbott and Speaker Phelan blaming them for “…anxiety and distress over separation from their families.” So they left the state voluntarily and it’s others’ fault. And they also threw in the race card just for fun. They found an Austin Democratic Judge Brad Urrutia to grant a TRO that the Supreme Court of Texas quickly flushed.

It is past time for the Democratic refugees to return to Austin and do their job. If they don’t want to, they can quit!

America Goes Broke,
Runaway Spending Promises Doom

Let’s be clear at TCR, we do not like omnibus spending bills out of Congress. Yet by 50-49, the Senate this week voted to spend $3,500,000,000,000 (that’s trillions folks) to fund with deficit spending-social infrastructure!

Let’s review what this pork infused crazy spending/leftist policy omnibus bill has:

With thanks to the www.dailysignal.com:

“Here are nine things you need to know about this budget resolution:

1. Kickstarts the Process to Pass Controversial and Harmful Policies on a Partisan Basis

Budget reconciliation allows legislation affecting spending, revenue, or debt limit to pass the Senate with limited debate and by 51 votes instead of being subject to the normal 60-vote threshold.

Just some of the policies the reconciliation bill will feature include:

  • Green New Deal-style climate policies

  • Large-scale mass amnesty for illegal aliens

  • Increasing cash welfare while eliminating work requirements

  • Expanding Medicare

  • Expanding Obamacare subsidies

  • Paid family leave run by the federal government

  • Universal pre-K as well as significant child care subsidies

  • None of these policy proposals

2. Raises Revenue, Makes Misleading Claims, and Gives Congress Unchecked Authority to Increase Taxes

3. Reckless Spending Spree

Democrats’ own estimates are that this budget would increase federal spending by more than $4.16 trillion through fiscal year 2031. However, it’s also important to see how much they want to increase spending in just the first year: at least $1.75 trillion.

4. Path to a Debt Crisis

Not only would this plan increase the publicly held debt by more than $4.16 trillion, bringing it to more than 118% of gross domestic product, but it would leave us with well over $2.2 trillion annual deficits by fiscal year 2031.

5. Recipe for Inflation

The exponentially higher rates of deficit spending, taxation, and money printing that would result from this budget would only serve to exacerbate the current inflationary trend.

6. Breaking Biden’s Infrastructure Promise

7. Loopholes and Gimmicks

This budget resolution is filled with loopholes and gimmicks that will make it easier to increase spending.

For the reconciliation bill, the budget resolution waives points of order against increasing the deficit within the budget window and over the long term.

8. Mistaken Priorities

9. Fails to Address the Biggest Fiscal Challenges

Tune In To What’s Your Point? On Fox 26
Sunday, August 15th at 7:00 AM

TCR Editor Gary Polland returns to Fox 26 Houston this Sunday, August 15th, on What’s Your Point? hosted by Greg Groogan. The show will be a wide ranging discussion of current political issues. As always, Gary will bring a reasoned conservative viewpoint to the show. Just tune in at 7:00 am live, YouTube it, set your DVR or go to: https://www.fox26houston.com/.

TCR on the Air

Gary Polland is now a regular on What’s Your Point? hosted by Greg Groogan on Fox 26 Houston, appearing every other week. Tune in or set your recorder for 7:00 am Sundays.

Gary has recently undertaken the hosting duties on a new interview show, Tell It Like It Is. The show is available at American Star TV and at its YouTube Channel. Currently on hiatus.

Red, White, and Blue featuring TCR Editor Gary Polland on Fridays at 7:30 pm on Houston Public Media TV 8, replaying Saturday at 6:30 p.m. on Channel 8, Monday at 11:30 pm on Channel 8.2 and on the web at www.houstonpublicmedia.org.

Red, White & Blue returns in September, better than ever.

About Your Editor

Gary Polland is a long-time conservative and Republican spokesman, fund-raiser, and leader who completed three terms as the Harris County Republican Chairman. During his three terms, Gary was described as the most successful county Chairman in America by Human Events – The National Conservative Weekly. He is in his twenty-sixth year of editing a newsletter dealing with key conservative and Republican issues. The last twenty years he has edited Texas Conservative Review. As a public service for the last 18 years, Gary has published election guides for the GOP primary, general elections and city elections, all with the purpose of assisting conservative candidates. Gary is also in his 21st year of co-hosting Red, White and Blue on Houston Public Media TV 8 PBS Houston, longest running political talk show in Texas history. Gary serves on the Board of Directors of American Values, a national pro-family, pro-faith, conservative organization supporting the unity of the American people around the vision of our founding fathers and dedicated to reminding the public of the conservative principles fundamental to the survival of our nation. Gary is a practicing attorney and strategic consultant. He can be reached at (713) 621-6335.

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