Hard Hitting Conservative Commentary by Gary M. Polland
Volume XVII Number 26 – November 5, 2018
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1 Day Until The 2018 Election
One Vote Matters
This will be a tightly contested election and every vote counts. You, your friends, and allies all need to vote. It is critical you support our outstanding Republican judges. They need your vote. Please turn out along with your friends. Texas’ future is on the line.
The Invasion “Caravan” Heading Toward America,
Why Won’t The Democrats
Support Securing Our Border?
We all have recently become aware of the 6-10,000 plus illegals coming through Central America into Mexico with the goal of illegal entry into the U.S.
This group can only be called one thing, an invasion force. We need to do whatever it takes to stop this invasion. None of those from Central America are eligible for refugee status as that only applies to the first country you pass through other than your own, so Mexico it is for the vast majority.
For these silly theories a spontaneous assembly of refugees are being transported, fed, and have portable bathroom facilities. This is an organized group being formed like an army and is moving like one. We don’t know what weapons they have and we don’t know who is funding it.
Consider these facts:
All of a sudden, thousands of Guatemalans/Hondurans decided to walk 1,500 miles! Get money for travel expenses, buy a backpack, have drinking water for 4,000 people every day for 2 months, arrange for food for 12,000 meals every day (that’s 720,000 meals for the trip), get directions for the best route to take, have extra clothes and sanitary items, have medical care available, prepare for rainy days, and get 4,000 sleeping bags! If they can cover 25 miles every day, it will take them 60 days to cover 1,500 miles. They would have us believe they decided to do this all of a sudden, all at once and they would arrive in the USA just in time for our election. What an amazing event, let this sink in.
As for peaceful and law abiding, this is not so, as they broke through the southern border of Mexico, injuring some Mexican police officers in the process.
Add to this, we have no idea who among them is a major threat to national security and recent public opinion surveys show the open border agenda is hugely unpopular with Texans.
So if you want to control our border and stop illegal entry into the U.S., your only choice is to vote Republican this year.
O’Rourke Campaign Exposed, Misinformation Of
Antsy Uber Leftist’s Efforts, Wrong For Texas
As we reach the end of the Beto-walks-on-water campaign we are learning more about his real record.
Let’s review recent revelations:
- He helped via eminent domain his own father-in-law to oust homeowners from their property in El Paso so they could develop the land and make millions.
- He lied about his DWI and in fact attempted to flee from the police. This crime is now a felony in Texas.
- He totally misrepresented his campaign saying he used no pollsters, no consultants, no focus groups, and now it turns out he spent at least $18,000,000 on them in the last quarter alone.
- He pledged to take no PAC money, yet he has taken over $170,000.00 from J Street (an anti-Israel group and PAC.)
- His staff has been caught working to assist the caravans from Central America seeking to invade us. This fits with his no ICE, no borders philosophy.
The more anyone studies Beto, the more one understands, he is too radical for Texas.
Anti-Semitism Card Employed By Democrats
And Its Media Ally, The Houston Chronicle
Say it isn’t so, from false racism attacks which breed racial hatred from the left, we now get false accusations of anti-Semitism, where any attack on radical leftists is called anti-Semitic if the person was born Jewish.
Something is very messed up here. It is NOT anti-Semitic to criticize a leftist because they are a leftist. We do have a growing problem here in America primarily due to Democratic leaders who appear with and fail to disassociate with haters like Louis Farrakhan, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Keith Ellison, Linda Sarsour and scores of others in the Democratic party.
Note the stunning contrast. President Trump condemns haters and the Democratic leadership says nothing about the haters in their midst.
Which brings us to the Houston Chronicle, who on October 31, 2018 went after County Clerk Stan Stanart. It’s the same Stanart whose office the left covets so much. They are using the Tax Assessor’s (and Voter Registrar) office to line up illegal votes. In fact, thousands have registered illegally in commercial establishments like the UPS store with 84 registrations at that one site and hundreds of more sites with more than ten (10) voters at commercial addresses. This story was not even covered by the Chronicle until Early Voting had ended. Outrageous!:
So, now to the anti-Semitic stone thrown by the Chronicle. Like the fake news story in Florida where Democrat Andrew Gillum seeks the Governorship and attacked his opponent as an anti-Semitic for speaking at Restoration Weekend run by a group led by David Horowitz, who is Jewish. The Chronicle accuses Stanart of this canard because he criticized and stated that “Make no mistake, George Soros wants to control Harris County elections…” The left wants the County Clerk job so they can control voter access and allow them to destroy the integrity of the ballot to the Democrat’s advantage. This is what the Chronicle covered for not one day, but three days, and an editorial on Saturday!
What Stanart’s website said is clearly not anti-Semitic, it is political BS and hate speech towards Stanart. Here is what is really happening, the Chronicle has engaged in its own version of fake news, in its effort to elect Democrats, regardless of qualifications, to countywide office. Nowhere in Stanart’s website do they mention the word Jew. Nowhere is the word international banker used. The Chronicle owes an apology to Stanart and its declining readership for employing this repulsive attack on a good man.
A Press Release from Texas Jewish Bar Association:
Statement From The Texas Jewish Bar Association
President Brian Cweren
Mr. Stanart has attended a number of events hosted by the Texas Jewish Bar Association. Stan Stanart is an honorable individual whom I have known for many years. I am proud to call him a friend and wholeheartedly support his bid for reelection. I intend to vote for him and encourage others to do so as well.
Brian P. Cweren
President, Texas Jewish Bar Association
Tune in Election Night To ABC 13
Tune in Election Night, November 6th, ABC Channel 13 starting at 8:00 pm and streaming on ABC13.com as Gary Polland joins a number of guests, along with reporters in the field, to provide insightful commentary during live Election Night coverage.
TCR on the Air
Red, White & Blue featuring TCR Editor Gary Polland on Fridays at 7:30 pm on PBS Houston Channel 8, replaying Saturday at 6:30 p.m. on Channel 8, Monday at 11:30 pm on Channel 8.2 and on the web at www.houstonpublicmedia.org.
Upcoming shows:
Watch Current Show – City of Houston November Ballot Measures (Prop A: Rebuild Houston and Prop B: Firefighter Pay Parity) with guests: Dr. Bob Stein (Professor of Political Science, Rice University), Charles Blain (Houston Director, Empower Texans) and Jessica Colón (Founder, Colón and Co.)
11-09-18 – Election Day Results with guests: Neftali Partida (Senior Public Policy Advisor, Locke Lord LLP) and Mustafa Tameez (Managing Director of Outreach Strategists).
12-14-18 – The U.S. Presidency: An Analysis of Leadership with guests: Dr. David Schein (Associate Professor and Director of CSB Graduate Programs, University of St. Thomas) and Dr. Heather Evans (Associate Professor of Political Science, Sam Houston State University).
About Your Editor
Gary Polland is a long-time conservative and Republican spokesman, fund-raiser, and leader who completed three terms as the Harris County Republican Chairman. During his three terms, Gary was described as the most successful county Chairman in America by Human Events – The National Conservative Weekly. He is in his twenty-first year of editing a newsletter dealing with key conservative and Republican issues. The last seventeen years he has edited Texas Conservative Review. As a public service for the last 15 years, Gary has published election guides for the GOP primary, general elections and city elections, all with the purpose of assisting conservative candidates. Gary is also in his 17th year of co-hosting Red, White and Blue on Houston Public Media TV 8 PBS Houston, longest running political talk show in Texas history. Gary serves on the Board of Directors of American Values, a national pro-family, pro-faith, conservative organization supporting the unity of the American people around the vision of our founding fathers and dedicated to reminding the public of the conservative principles fundamental to the survival of our nation. Gary is a practicing attorney and strategic consultant. He can be reached at (713) 621-6335.