Hard Hitting Conservative Commentary by Gary M. Polland
Volume XVII Number 8 – March 5, 2018
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One Day Until 2018 Texas Primary
Primary Election Eve
Today is election eve, which means that tomorrow many of the political campaigns in which so many of us have been invested will be decided. To borrow a phrase coined by the late, great Ronald Reagan, “You and I have a rendezvous with destiny.”
Some races seem to and in fact may have little importance, but others have the most significant of consequences, which cannot be overstated.
In Congressional District 2, a David versus Goliath story has unfolded for the crown jewel of Harris County, in which conservative State Representative Kevin Roberts faces off with deep-pocketed Kathaleen Wall, who is spending upwards of $7 million to purchase a seat in Congress. Although outmatched in spending, Roberts has waged an impressive grassroots campaign that has given the free-spending Wall a run for her substantial money. But CD-2 voters are savvy and likely understand that a candidate who will blow her own money in such an indiscriminate way, also has the potential to squander away their hard-earned tax dollars in the same way.
Equally important to conservatives is another black-and-white contest between liberal incumbent Sarah Davis – the Republican standard-bearer for Planned Parenthood and the pro-choice movement – and conservative challenger Susanna Dokupil in the State House District 134 race. Like the above mentioned Kevin Roberts, Dokupil faces an uphill battle against her heavily funded and Joe Straus supported rival, but she has fought an excellent fight and even garnered the endorsement of Governor Greg Abbott, not an easy feat for a challenger against an establishment incumbent. That in itself is a testament to how far left the incumbent has moved since her election.
Speaking of standard-bearers on the life issue, Terry Yates is the obvious choice for those voters looking to back a pro-life champion in the 1st Court of Appeals Place 7. Yates is the attorney who defended David Daleiden, the Planned Parenthood whistleblower, and secured his freedom, striking a huge blow on behalf of the pro-life movement.
In County Criminal Court-at-Law No. 8, Dan Simons is also waging a tough race against another incumbent, Jay Karahan. Karahan has come under fire for spending a significant time away from the bench lining his pockets with his for-profit wedding mill. Conservative groups have also targeted the gay rights proponent Karahan on the basis that he, like Justice of the Peace Jeff Williams, was one of the first judges to actively seek out and advertise his enthusiastic desire to perform gay weddings. A Facebook post featuring a grinning Kaharan bears the words, “We will not let hate win,” above the ubiquitous gay-pride rainbow colors, also has conservatives mobilized in this race.
Karahan isn’t the only judge cashing in on weddings; the above-mentioned Jeff Williams – who is being challenged for Justice of the Peace Pct 5 Place 2 by conservative Harris County School Trustee Mike Wolfe – is burning the candle at both ends with a steady stream of brides and grooms willing to pay Williams for his services. Williams, known to advertise the fact that he happily performs same-sex marriages, is apparently so busy with his wedding business that he approached county officials about expanding courthouse facilities to accommodate him with tax dollars. The poor taste of the request was compounded by the fact that it was made shortly after Hurricane Harvey, when so many in the Houston area were struggling to put their homes and lives back together.
But the most important race of them all is at the bottom of the ballot between conservative Chris Carmona and incumbent Paul Simpson for Harris County Republican Party Chairman. Even if voters choose wisely in all the races above this one by nominating conservatives, it could all be for naught if we fail to elect a party chairman who can elect the ticket in November’s general election. Simpson has shown, with his abysmal 0-43 record in 2016, that he is NOT the man for the job. That’s right – Paul Simpson lost every single race on the 2016 countywide ballot, and now he wants a second chance to run the countywide campaign, but offers nothing new to suggest that 2018 will be anything better than 2016. In this race it is imperative that conservatives elect Chris Carmona as the next party chair and send incumbent Paul Simpson packing along with his 2016 0-43 record. Of course, the liberals in the party are fighting hard and donating big – funding his campaigns to the tune of well over a half a million dollars – to hang on to power. The liberals cannot fathom a return to a conservative chairman where conservative candidates and issues are championed. They are too invested in a pro-choice, gay rights and open borders agenda to give up now. Their liberal agenda is far more important to them than electing conservatives to office and they are willing to sacrifice our entire ticket in the process.
This one is critical. It is going to take all that we have to defeat the Democrats in November. We must elect a County Chairman who can harness the best and brightest minds on the conservative team to have a fighting chance. We have to elect a Republican chairman who can attack the Democrats with youthful vigor, enthusiasm and creative ideas. Our next chairman has to be able to bring to bear new technology and tactics. Our next chairman has to be able to formulate new strategies to attract minority and blue collar Reagan Democrats who share our values. Chris Carmona will bring this and so much more to this critical election. We need Chris Carmona to have any hope for victory in November. If you haven’t already voted, be ready to go to the polls at 7 a.m. and call, e-mail and text everyone you know to do the same.
TCR’s complete list of recommendations can be found in the Voter Guides:
Download TCR 2018 Harris County Voter Guide PDF
Download TCR 2018 Galveston County Voter Guide PDF
Download TCR 2018 Multi County Voter Guide PDF
With At Least 20 GOP Hispanics On The Ballot,
Including HCRP Chair Candidate Carmona,
Why Does The Houston Chronicle Ignore Most Of Them?
The “mainstream” left-wing media, represented by the Houston Chronicle, could only find four Hispanic Republican candidates running in their Sunday, March 4, 2018 edition, front-page article on Hispanic politics. Did they even bother to look? Is this part of the left-wing desire to ignore most, but not all of the Hispanic Republicans running this year?
Their bias is showing again or do they assume that the vast majority of Hispanics are Democrats? But that’s not so. The Harris County GOP ticket is the most diverse in Harris County’s history, with quality candidates from the bottom to the top. TCR wonders when the major media will recognize it and give it coverage – don’t hold your breath.
Tune in Election Night To KPRC TV
Tune in Tuesday night starting at 7:30 pm on KPRC Channel 2 and click2houston.com as Gary Polland joins Khambrel Marshall and former Democratic Chair Gerry Birnberg reviewing election results.
TCR on the Air
Red, White & Blue featuring TCR Editor Gary Polland and liberal commentator David Jones on Fridays at 7:30 pm on PBS Houston Channel 8, replaying Saturday at 6:30 p.m. on Channel 8, Monday at 11:30 pm on Channel 8.2 and on the web at www.houstonpublicmedia.org.
Upcoming show:
03-09-2018: What Happened and Why, An Analysis of the 2018 Texas Primary.
About Your Editor
Gary Polland is a long-time conservative and Republican spokesman, fund-raiser, and leader who completed three terms as the Harris County Republican Chairman. During his three terms, Gary was described as the most successful county Chairman in America by Human Events – The National Conservative Weekly. He is in his twenty-first year of editing a newsletter dealing with key conservative and Republican issues. The last sixteen years he has edited Texas Conservative Review. As a public service for the last 15 years, Gary has published election guides for the GOP primary, general elections and city elections, all with the purpose of assisting conservative candidates. Gary is also in his 15th year of co-hosting Red, White and Blue on PBS Houston, longest running political talk show in Texas history. Gary is a practicing attorney and strategic consultant. He can be reached at (713) 621-6335.