Hard Hitting Conservative Commentary by Gary M. Polland

Volume XVII Number 4 – February 7, 2018

Thoughts This Fortnight

13 Days Until Early Voting And 27 Days Until
2018 Texas Primary Election

The Next Harris County Republican Chair –
Chris Carmona Understands It’s All About November

For a change this year we have a quality candidate for Harris County Republican Chair – Chris Carmona.

Chris understands the key purpose of a political party is to win. Chris’ opposition, Paul Simpson, despite decades of involvement still doesn’t get it and continues to fight with fellow Republicans about who controls the Harris County Republican Party!

Chris will be a champion for all Republicans, whether they vote for him or not. His opponent only works with his friends and attacks the conservatives in the party he doesn’t like.

Chris knows that to win in November, and knows what the Harris County Republican Party needs:

  1. A positive message on why voters should vote Republican

  2. Define the Democrats

  3. Celebrate the historic quality ticket the HCRP has with the forthcoming most diverse ticket in party history

Chris, unlike Simpson, will not let his political consultant pursue his personal agenda of helping his candidates while neglecting the countywide ticket. Nor would he allow his team to threaten Judges with opposition as a way to get them to do what the Simpson team wants.

2018 is an historic and critical election where we can reestablish GOP dominance with Chris Carmona or go further into the abyss with Paul Simpson. It is a simple decision.

We at TCR want to win in November, so we are with Chris Carmona!

TCR’s Next Five Endorsements

For the last few months TCR has been interviewing contested candidates for the March primary.

As we have done for over a decade, we endorse the best and brightest conservatives and tell you why we endorse unlike many endorsement lists. There is no quid pro quo, as our endorsements are given without any strings.

Our election guide edition will be appearing shortly online and in mailboxes, be sure to be on the lookout.

Our next five:

Judge 280th Family District Court – George Clevenger

Longtime family law attorney, George Clevenger is our choice here. Besides being a good family lawyer and conscientious fighter for families and children, George will be ready from day one. He is also so efficient he will be able to handle the court’s docket and assist the other burdened courts to handle some of their family dockets.

U.S. Congress, CD-29 – Phillip Aronoff

Businessman and longtime GOP leader Phillip Aronoff is seeking retiring Gene Green‘s seat in Congress. With vast experience in business and politics he is also fluent in Spanish. Aronoff is a thoughtful conservative who believes in enhancing opportunity for all. As a grandson of immigrants, he knows that our new Americans share our values of family, a hard work ethic, patriotism and personal responsibility. Phil believes we can win this district with our shared values. He would bring mature common sense leadership to D.C. where it is needed.

State Representative District 150 – Valoree Swanson

Valoree Swanson has a long and distinguished career of volunteer service to conservative candidates and causes. That service, which includes volunteer work on numerous campaigns, 22 years as a Republican Precinct Chairman and 8 years as a Committeewoman on the State Republican Executive Committee, earned her the Republican Party of Texas 2015 Volunteer of the Year Award for Senate District 7. Valoree ran in 2016 and won election on a conservative platform. During her first legislative session representing the people of District 150, honored that platform with her votes. Valoree continues to keep conservative issues at the forefront including cutting government red tape and waste, eliminating the business margins tax and supporting border security. Valoree’s performance as a freshman legislator has earned our respect and should earn her re-election for another term of service.

Judge 189th Civil District Court – Sharon Hemphill

Sharon Hemphill is a Board-Certified trial attorney with over two decades of experience who not only holds a J.D., but also a LL.M (Masters of Law). She is a former Briefing Attorney for the Supreme Court of Texas and is qualified to practice in Federal Courts and the Supreme Court of the United States. Hemphill is also active in the community and a longtime grassroots activist and member of numerous Republican organizations. Hemphill is known as a smart, hardworking attorney with the temperament needed to be a first-class judge. Hemphill was one of our nominees in 2016 after winning her primary election but was defeated under an ineffective Paul Simpson-led GOP that lost every single election on that ballot. Let’s hope that there’s new leadership at the HCRP after the March primary that can help Hemphill and our other qualified candidates win election in November.

Justice of the Peace, Precinct 5, Place 2 – Mike Wolfe

Mike Wolfe has been fighting in the trenches with fellow conservative warriors since he started corresponding with former President Ronald Reagan when Wolfe was a teenager. That correspondence and the eventual meeting between he and Reagan shaped Wolfe’s political worldview and added fuel to Wolfe’s interest in politics. In 2006, Wolfe was elected to the Harris County Department of Education as a Harris County School Trustee, where he spearheaded the effort to name the HCDE’s Administration building in honor of his hero Ronald Reagan. During his time on the HCDE, Wolfe has stood firm on conservative principles by blocking millions of dollars in proposed tax increases and by cutting HCDE’s tax rate. Wolfe’s strong conservative conviction and record of achievement leaves no doubt that he will apply sound judgement and conservative principles as Justice of the Peace in Precinct 5.

List of 2018 Endorsements so far.

The Memo,
Why It Was The Right Thing To Release Publicly

Remember last week the Democrats, the establishment at the FBI, DOJ and their major media allies were shouting that how the Nunes release would impair the FBI’s ability to do its job by revealing how intelligence is gathered, the sources and methods used, and that it was a threat to national security.

Read the news after the release and there is nothing there. So once again the left wing is proven to be exaggerating when it comes to President Donald Trump.

What is troubling is the political rot that has invaded the FBI and DOJ under President Obama that continues today.

As far as the FISA Court warrant being issued – it seems the Judge wasn’t told the truth as to its source (Hillary Clinton). Even Andrew McCabe, discredited FBI deputy director, confirmed that NO FISA warrant would have been sought without the Steele “Trump Dossier” which was not intelligence related, but born of politics and paid for by the Democrats and Hillary Clinton as oppo research on Trump.

As Rush Limbaugh described this quite well last Friday, “According to the Devin Nunes memo, we find out today that there was collusion with a foreign agent to influence the 2016 election. We find out that this is an abuse of power of the highest order. And we find out that the collusion… According to the Nunes memo, the collusion with a foreign agent – in touch with a foreign government – was initiated by Hillary Clinton and her campaign, facilitated by Fusion GPS and the wife of a DOJ official working at Fusion GPS.”

“We find out that there was an attempt to corrupt the 2016 presidential election. We find out that there was a conspiracy to affect the outcome of that election. Furthermore, after that election, we have learned that there was a conspiracy to overthrow the results of that election after the failure to stop it. Except it all happened on the Democrat side and within the Obama administration. Not Trump.

“The next thing. Remember, before the memo came out the Democrats and the media tried any number of things to prevent the memo from being declassified and released. And one of them was, “You can’t do this. You can’t reveal sources and methods. That would be outrageous. That would be giving away the way we do intel.” Well, there isn’t any intel here! There is no intelligence here.

“But as far as sources and methods, there aren’t any revealed in this memo. You know, the FBI and the DOJ – and I guarantee you, they knew what the memo is, 539 members of Congress were permitted to read it. We don’t know how many did. It’s four pages. You don’t really need to take notes.”

So, releasing the news so the American people can get the truth is positive. After the Democrats version is reviewed, that one should be released too.

A Response To The Houston Chronicle‘s
Endorsement In HD-134, They Are Wrong

This weekend, the Houston Chronicle endorsed Sarah Davis for re-election.

We however disagree with their pick and we also dispute that Susanna Dokupil can’t win in November. We say not so fast – the Democrats choices are Lloyd Oliver and Allison Sawyer, neither household names and neither well financed yet. Their primary race is under the radar – for example, Sawyer gets 414 likes on Facebook. No signs for either can be seen in the District. No matter who gets nominated, we can win in November.

Voters need to know Susanna Dokupil is a serious attorney, a former Assistant Solicitor General of Texas and a conservative public policy wonk, who will bring reasoned conservative judgment to Austin, and who will help us gain control of runaway property taxes.

Facebook And YouTube Protocols Will Erase
Conservatives From Their Newsfeeds

Last week, your editor commented on KTRH AM 740 about Facebook and YouTube‘s ongoing censorship or restrictions regarding access for conservative ideas.

Here is what is happening – using “their analytics,” conservative opinions are being systematically excluded by the major internet browsers. In other words, a private entity is restricting free speech on its networks.

And it’s also happening with Google, and YouTube. Incredibly, they are restricting videos on their websites. They say it is because they need to keep inappropriate and objectionable adult and sexual content away from children. We at TCR support that, but that is not what we are seeing.

So, let’s look at some of these censored videos from Prager University, a conservative online educational site and none of the censored items would qualify for their exclusion under the browsers alleged standards:

“If You Live in Freedom, Thank the British Empire”

“Why America Must Lead”

“What Should We Do About Guns?”

“Immigrants! Don’t Vote for What You Fled”

YouTube has been sued in a Federal Court in California to stop their unlawful censorship of its educational videos and discrimination against its right to freedom of speech.

You should sign the online petition in support of freedom of speech at prageru.com/petitions and go view the videos, they are excellent and accurate.

Listen to KTRH 740 AM
Thursday, February 8th at 7:15 AM

Tune in Thursday, February 8th at 7:15 am on KTRH 740 AM with TCR Editor Gary Polland for a discussion of Reagan babies and can Morning in America return to our political discourse?

TCR on the Air

Red, White & Blue featuring TCR Editor Gary Polland and liberal commentator David Jones on Fridays at 7:30 pm on PBS Houston Channel 8, replaying Saturday at 6:30 p.m. on Channel 8, Monday at 11:30 pm on Channel 8.2 and on the web at www.houstonpublicmedia.org.

Upcoming show:

02-09-2018: Free Speech vs. Public Safety on College Campuses – With Guests: University of Houston Speech and Debate Students, Jackson Bartling and Katherine Pokinghome.

About Your Editor

Gary Polland is a long-time conservative and Republican spokesman, fund-raiser, and leader who completed three terms as the Harris County Republican Chairman. During his three terms, Gary was described as the most successful county Chairman in America by Human Events – The National Conservative Weekly. He is in his twenty-first year of editing a newsletter dealing with key conservative and Republican issues. The last sixteen years he has edited Texas Conservative Review. As a public service for the last 15 years, Gary has published election guides for the GOP primary, general elections and city elections, all with the purpose of assisting conservative candidates. Gary is also in his 15th year of co-hosting Red, White and Blue on PBS Houston, longest running political talk show in Texas history. Gary is a practicing attorney and strategic consultant. He can be reached at (713) 621-6335.

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