Hard Hitting Conservative Commentary by Gary M. Polland
Volume XV Number 16 – June 28, 2016
Thoughts This Fortnight
Britain Exits EU – Hail Britannia,
Implications For Our Election
If your Editor was a voter in Great Britain, he’d have voted to leave.
The battle that the leave forces had over exiting the European Union is similar to one we face this year over immigration policy, who controls (if anyone) our borders, our nationalism, globalism and its impact on the U.S., and our sovereignty.
The victory is for citizens who have had it with out-of-touch political and economic elites and will allow Great Britain to reclaim their own nation’s future.
The vote was 51.9% to leave, 48.1% to remain. A margin of over 1 million votes of the nearly 33.5 million people voting.
This was also a defeat for Obama and Clinton who both favored a vote to remain. As for our elections, the pollsters told us those that wanted to remain would win. They were wrong. This could foretell an Obama-Clinton defeat in November if the GOP shows it’s got what it takes.
HCRP Leader Simpson Organizes Press
Conference In Response To Orlando Jihad
Murders, Solidarity With Muslims?
In response to the radical Muslim attack in Orlando, Harris County Republican Party Chairman Paul Simpson organized a press conference where he stood shoulder-to-shoulder with a group of Houston-area Muslims. It was a bizarre display of odd political judgment in which the event was given off-hand repudiation, with the primary focus on instructing Harris County residents to be vigilant and wary of our surroundings as if to suggest that attacks are inevitable. Most interesting was that the conference was organized in solidarity with a religious group from whose ranks the attacker emerged, but included no representation from the victims of the attacks – gays, Hispanics and African-Americans, specifically.
It seems an odd choice. Just as odd are the groups Simpson has chosen to eschew in recent political fights. As an example, I recall the fight against the so-called equal rights ordinance (the Bathroom Ordinance) Houston’s HERO (Proposition 1), headed by Campaign for Houston, Houston Area Pastor Council, Conservative Republicans of Texas and others. During that fight, Simpson never appeared once with leaders of the opposition of Annise Parker‘s egregious ordinance.
And then, when Target implemented a policy that mirrored the intent of HERO, Simpson once again refused invitations to appear with forces working to reverse the policy in which heterosexual women were the potential victims. It seems that Simpson’s advice is to not fight the policy, but simply to be on guard in Target restrooms and dressing rooms in which male invasion is simply a fait accompli.
That’s too bad for Harris County Republicans who expect more leadership from the head of their local GOP.
How Can This Be True?
In a Gallup Poll taken one week after the massacre in Orlando, stunningly, only 29% of Democrats thought this was an Islamic terror attack.
This is from a murderer who has a fifteen-year history of seeing himself as an Islamic warrior who was investigated and interviewed multiple times by the FBI.
Maybe they were confused due to President Obama’s comments, which never mentioned radical Islamic terrorists, but did mention gun control, the killer’s instability, and the alleged indeterminacy of his motives, or by his comments attacking Donald Trump as a bigot for taking the shooter based on what he said.
So the denial of the war Islamic radicals engaged with America by Obama and his instructions to be politically correct and protect Muslims from so called rampant Islamophobia.
To be clear, the problem is not gun violence. It’s radical Islam. And the problem has been imported to our shores by the Obama-Clinton open door immigration program from the Middle East.
Shearer Palmer’s Financial Planning Advice
To Her Children And For You
“Over the past 28 years, we have managed to save our retirement, meet our tuition expenses, take terrific vacations… but a bigger house and then expand it, and live a very comfortable life. What you may not know, is that we have made our share of mistakes… We wanted to share with you some of the lessons that we have learned over the years, with hopes that they will help you continue to learn how to manage your own money effectively.”
- “Avoid credit card debt. It is very important to learn from the beginning to live with your means (income), even BELOW it. When people build credit card debt (they don’t pay for all the things they charged during the month, but only make a ‘minimum payment,’ then they get behind, because you have to pay a very high interest rate for the loan.
- “Start saving for retirement early and save as much as you possibly can. The benefits of starting to save for retirement in your 20’s instead of your 30’s are enormous. There are profiles that show that if you start saving in your 20’s you have maybe twice what you would have if you start in your 30’s because that’s the power of compound interest.
- “Buy term life insurance, not whole life or universal life. You can review your term insurance every few years, you don’t lose from locking in a new level-term premium every few years. Make sure that it has a premium that is okay for as long as you will need the coverage.
- “Diversify your investments. DIVERSIFY. It is good to have a good share of your assets in your house, and a mixture of stocks, bonds and cash (money market). As you get older the share in the stock market should decrease, because the stock market is very volatile.
- “Mutual fund index funds are better than individual stocks. It is better to invest in a NO-LOAD (no commission) index fund than individual stocks. To invest in individual stocks, you have to know an awful lot about companies. And you need to have a financial adviser that you really trust.
- “Never invest in anything you don’t totally understand.
- “Go for a fixed rate mortgage.
- “Keep track of your expenditures; budget your money. It is very important… to have a budget plan, and to monitor your expenses against your budget.
- “Be skeptical about financial advisers. But even more important, discount everything financial advisers say… this is YOUR money! As you get closer to retirement, be even more cautious.
- “Make a will early on… and certainly before having children. The most important thing to consider is guardianship for your children (i.e., who will care for your children in the event neither parent is alive). But it is important also to have a will for financial protection of your loved ones… Finally, remember that YOU have a lot of control over the income side of your life!”
TCR Comment: Shearer Palmer, a financial planner, over a year ago wrote a letter to her children about finances and planning, but her lessons are important, not just for children, but for all of us.
What’s Wrong With This Picture?
While Obama and Clinton are talking about hundreds of thousands of so-called refugees from countries with radical Islamic influence and while John Kerry tells us that the refugees are thoroughly vetted, Obama’s own CIA Director directly contradicts them.
Read and weep. Americans are dying at terrorist hands because Obama, Clinton, and Kerry are not doing their jobs of protecting Americans from radical Islamic terrorists.
CIA Director John Brennan stated at a hearing before the Senate Intelligence Committee on June 16, 2016:
“We judge that ISIL is training and attempting to deploy operatives for further attacks.”
“ISIL has a large cadre of western fighters who could potentially serve as operatives into the West, including in refugee flows, smuggling routes, and legitimate methods of travel.”
TCR on the Air
Red, White & Blue featuring TCR Editor Gary Polland and liberal commentator David Jones on Fridays at 7:30 pm on PBS Houston Channel 8, replaying Saturdays at 6:30 p.m. on Channel 8, Mondays at 11:30 pm on Channel 8.2 and on the web at www.houstonpublicmedia.org.
Upcoming Show:
US Supreme Court Rulings with Guests: Charles “Rocky” Rhodes, South Texas College of Law and Teddy Rave, University of Houston.
About Your Editor
Gary Polland is a long-time conservative and Republican spokesman, fund-raiser, and leader who completed three terms as the Harris County Republican Chairman. During his three terms, Gary was described as the most successful county Chairman in America by Human Events – The National Conservative Weekly. He is in his sixteenth year of editing a newsletter dealing with key conservative and Republican issues. The last fourteen years he has edited Texas Conservative Review. As a public service for the last 13 years, Gary has published election guides for the GOP primary, general elections and city elections, all with the purpose of assisting conservative candidates. Gary is also in his 14th year of co-hosting Red, White and Blue on PBS Houston, longest running political talk show in Texas history. Gary is a practicing attorney and strategic consultant. He can be reached at (713) 621-6335.