Hard Hitting Conservative Commentary by Gary M. Polland
Volume XV Number 11 – April 26, 2016
Thoughts This Fortnight
“New” Presidential-Like Trump Lasts One Day
Last week at the Republican National Conference meetings in Florida, Trump‘s new “handlers” told us we would see a pivot to a more “Presidential-like” Trump, and indeed, for a day, we heard a more measured and restrained candidate. But the day after, he was back to the same old boorish, classless act that the vast majority of voters in the general election have told us they won’t vote for.
Trump An Echo Not A Choice
Increasingly, the unscripted Trump reveals his left-wing political philosophy.
This last week, in an interview on Thursday morning, Trump criticized the new North Carolina law keeping men out of women’s bathrooms, saying people “should use the bathroom they feel is appropriate.” He also reminded us he has discomfort with the GOP’s pro-life platform. Of course, remember he also supports the leading abortion provider in America, Planned Parenthood.
On issue after issue Trump sounds like liberal Democrat-lite. He is no choice for conservatives, unless that is what you want. In that case, go all the way and support the full-throttled liberal Hillary.
TCR believes we need to resist and stop Trump from being our nominee. He will ruin our party and our country and decimate our down ballot candidates and he can’t beat Hillary Clinton!
Battle For Soul Of GOP Playing Out In Texas
Jared Woodfill and Cathie Adams‘ courageous and hard working fight to save the social and economic conservative soul of the Texas GOP is playing out now all over Texas.
Similar to the battle for our Presidential nomination, Jared and Cathie for State Chair and Vice-Chair, respectively, stand strong on our principles. Their opponent, “the appointed interim chairman” Mechler, believes a party should be barely seen and not heard from. On social issues, he did little to fight the Houston bathroom ordinance battle until after we won and then claimed credit, along with his friend Paul Simpson who did little more than vote for it, and when it came time to fight the ordinance in Dallas, he was AWOL.
Mechler has been collared by the same politically correct leftist forces that mute debate, support “no border” immigration, same sex marriage, abortion, and allowing sanctuary cities.
At TCR, we believe that a party that kowtows to the politically correct will soon be a party that stands for nothing. This is why Woodfill-Adams is the leadership the Republican Party of Texas needs.
Peggy Noonan – That Moment When 2016 Hits You
In last weekend’s Wall Street Journal, conservative and thoughtful columnist Peggy Noonan summarized her feelings about the state of our nation in 2016: “Because my country is in trouble. Because I felt anguish at all the estrangements. Because some things that shouldn’t have changed have changed. Because too much is being lost. Because the great choice in a nation of 320 million may come down to Crazy Man versus Criminal.”
TCR Comment: Wow! Brilliantly, she outlines the significant problems we have in leadership for America.
Politicians Talk While Houston Area Floods Again!
Watching people’s homes and cars flood for the second time in a year makes one wonder, where is the leadership?
On my show Red, White & Blue, we had an all-star panel that had answers to many of our questions, including: Can we stop or ameliorate these disasters? The answer, yes, with vision, leadership, coordination and commitment.
Quite simply, the City of Houston, Harris County, the State of Texas, and the federal government need to get their act together with a comprehensive plan to deal with flooding and a future hurricane, which if it came near the ship channel, could cripple the Port of Houston (critical to the country). Talk alone won’t get it done.
One example of why things aren’t working – as a part of Renew Houston, the city timely completed a significant increase in run-off piping in the Meyerland area, but here’s the catch, it was supposed to connect to an expanded Braes Bayou (delayed project), which was to be done in 2014. You know the rest. It wasn’t done, and now Meyerland has had two catastrophic floods in a year when before there were few, if any. Braes Bayou expansion is now scheduled for 2022! This is a monumental failure of leadership.
It’s time to stop talking to us and get to work, or we can look forward to yearly 200-year floods (which is what the experts say it was.)
TCR on the Air
Red, White & Blue featuring TCR Editor Gary Polland and liberal commentator David Jones on Fridays at 7:30 pm on PBS Houston Channel 8, replaying Saturdays at 6:30 p.m. on Channel 8, Mondays at 11:30 pm on Channel 8.2 and on the web at www.houstonpublicmedia.org.
Upcoming show:
Guests: State Senator Rodney Ellis, Mayor Sylvester Turner, and Congressman Ted Poe.
About Your Editor
Gary Polland is a long-time conservative and Republican spokesman, fund-raiser, and leader who completed three terms as the Harris County Republican Chairman. During his three terms, Gary was described as the most successful county Chairman in America by Human Events – The National Conservative Weekly. He is in his sixteenth year of editing a newsletter dealing with key conservative and Republican issues. The last fourteen years he has edited Texas Conservative Review. As a public service for the last 13 years, Gary has published election guides for the GOP primary, general elections and city elections, all with the purpose of assisting conservative candidates. Gary is also in his 14th year of co-hosting Red, White and Blue on PBS Houston, longest running political talk show in Texas history. Gary is a practicing attorney and strategic consultant. He can be reached at (713) 621-6335.