Hard Hitting Conservative Commentary by Gary M. Polland
Volume XV Number 6 – February 29, 2016
Read TCR 2016 Primary Voters Guide Online
Download TCR 2016 Primary Voters Guide PDF
TCR 2016 Republican Primary Endorsements
President of the United States
Read our feature article in the TCR 2016 Primary Voters Guide (starting on page 3) and make a choice. To this observer, the choice for conservatives is simple, Cruz or Rubio. Rubio or Cruz. We hope they quit talking about each other and focus on the fake conservative Republican in the race, Trump. Rubio and Cruz need to join together to save the GOP, and in doing so they will save America.
U.S. Representative District 7: James Lloyd
Support for a challenger against an incumbent typically happens when the incumbent no longer effectively represents his district or when the challenger brings something special to the race. In this race, both apply. Congressman John Culberson, who has held public office for nearly 30 years, has become a Washington insider and is out of touch with the district. Culberson voted for the terrible omnibus spending bill that funds Planned Parenthood, Obamacare, Obama’s illegal amnesty, and other offensive liberal programs. James Lloyd, on the other hand, brings fresh ideas and a youthful passion for conservative political reform. James will be a hard-working, principled conservative who will work to overturn the Washington big government party.
Railroad Commissioner: Gary Gates
As Gary Gates is quick to point out, “If you live in Texas, you are in the Oil and Gas business.” That’s because so much of our economy is tied to energy, which is the business of the Railroad Commission. And that’s why Texas voters should care about this race. We like Gary Gates because he is a seasoned business owner who can take a business approach and a passion for the oil and gas business to the agency.
Justice, Supreme Court, Place 3: Debra Lehrmann
Justice Debra Lehrmann has been a principled member of the Supreme Court since 2010. Prior to her appointment, Justice Lehrmann served as a district judge for 23 years. Lehrmann has an impressive list of endorsements including the endorsements of 12 previous justices of the Texas Supreme Court. TCR is proud to add our endorsement to her list and recommends a vote to keep Justice Debra Lehrmann.
Justice, Supreme Court, Place 5: Rick Green
Rick Green is an impressive candidate. He completed college in just two years and began law school at the age of 20. At 27, Green was elected to the Texas Legislature and was named Republican Freshman of the Year. In 2001, Green and David Barton founded Wallbuilders, which promotes the country’s moral, religious and constitutional heritage. TCR is confident that Green will apply his passion for the Constitution to the protection of our individual rights.
Justice, Supreme Court, Place 9: Eva Guzman
During her sixteen years on the bench – first as a district judge, then a member of the 14th Court of Appeals and now as a justice on the Texas Supreme Court – Eva Guzman consistently receives high marks in judicial evaluation polls as well as accolades from professional, civic, and law enforcement groups. Eva Guzman has served the people of Texas with distinction and has earned reelection.
Judge, Court of Criminal Appeals, Place 2: Ray Wheless
Ray Wheless has a breadth of experience in private practice and as a district judge that will be assets to him on the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals. Judge Wheless has presided over both criminal and civil cases and his versatility will give him a unique perspective on the Court. TCR also likes the fact that Wheless has been active within the Republican Party for 35 years.
Judge, Court of Criminal Appeals, Place 5: Sid Harle
Judge Sid Harle has been presiding over criminal cases for 27 years. During that time, he has developed a reputation as tough, but fair-minded. Judge Harle’s extensive judicial experience will be an invaluable asset on the Court of Criminal Appeals.
Judge, Court of Criminal Appeals, Place 6: Richard Davis
Richard Davis is a 1982 graduate of the Baylor Law School. He is a former prosecutor and guest lecturer at Baylor Law School. Richard Davis’ 32 years of experience and strict Constitutional approach to the law will make him an effective member of the Court.
State Representative District 127: Dan Huberty
Dan Huberty was elected to the Legislature in 2010 and quickly earned wide respect, including by Texas Monthly magazine who named him, “Rookie of the Year” for his understanding of the issues. Huberty’s background in education and business have allowed him to serve his constituents exceedingly well.
State Representative District 128: Wayne Smith
Wayne Smith has an impressive record of achievement on conservative issues that includes: Co-authored legislation to provide $800 million in new funding for border security, co-authored legislation that would have banned sanctuary cities in Texas, co-authored $1.2 billion tax cut and supported legislation that defunded Planned Parenthood. Smith’s solid record on our issues earns him our endorsement for reelection.
State Representative District 130: Tom Oliverson
Dr. Tom Oliverson is a physician and business owner who will bring a unique perspective to the Texas Legislature on behalf of the people of District 130. His background, qualifications and conservative positions on issues such as the 2nd Amendment, sanctity of life and small government make Tom Oliverson the best choice for conservatives.
State Representative District 150: Debbie Riddle
Debbie Riddle has been standing up for conservative principles for over a dozen years. She is a staunch opponent of illegal immigration and vehemently opposes Sharia law in our government. Riddle’s conservative record includes: Life-long pro-life leader (91%+ rated by all pro-life groups), author of “Jessica’s Law” protecting children from pedophiles, co-author of the “Castle Doctrine” protecting your family in your home, and co-authored the “Pastor Protection” bill allowing pastors the freedom to exercise their 1st Amendment rights.
Justice, 14th Court of Appeals, Place 2: Bud Wiesedeppe
Since graduating from SMU Law School, Bud Wiesedeppe has built an impressive legal career focused in the area of business litigation. Bud’s experience and dedication to the protection of private property rights are qualities conservatives should want on the Court of Appeals.
District Judge, 80th Judicial District: Ken Shortreed
Ken Shortreed has over two decades of experience including over 100 trials. In addition to practicing law, Shortreed also teaches Business Law at Lone Star College and is a veteran of the U.S. Air Force and the Army National Guard.
District Judge, 125th Judicial District: Sharon Hemphill
Sharon Hemphill is a Board Certified trial attorney with over two decades of experience who not only holds a J.D., but also a LL.M (Masters of Law). Hemphill is also active in the community and a longtime grassroots activist and member of numerous Republican organizations.
District Judge, 151st Judicial District: Jeff Hastings
Jeff Hastings has built an impressive resume of legal experience over his 25-year career, including handling over 1000 civil matters. His extensive experience in the types of cases heard in the 151st District Court means that he will be effective from his first day on the bench.
District Judge, 178th Judicial District: Phil Gommels
Phil Gommels is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania and SMU Law School, a former Harris County prosecutor and currently an extremely experienced attorney in private practice. Gommels also served his country as a U.S. Army combat medic for eight years, including active duty and reserve service.
Judge, County Civil Court at Law #1: Clyde Leuchtag
Judge Clyde Leuchtag serves on the bench of County Civil Court at Law #1 and handled hundreds of cases since June 2015. His opponent is a lifelong Democrat who previously ran as a Democrat against a Republican judge. The decisions don’t get any easier than this one.
County Attorney: Jim Leitner
Jim Leitner is far and away the most qualified candidate in the two-way race for Harris County Attorney. Leitner has a legal career that spans 40 years and includes experience as former General Counsel to the Sheriff of Harris County, former First Assistant District Attorney in Harris, Bell, & Lampasas Counties and 20 years in private practice. Leitner also has 300+ jury trials and 300 appellate briefs under his belt.
Harris County Sheriff: Ron Hickman
When you talk to Sheriff Ron Hickman, something becomes very obvious, very fast-he loves law enforcement and he is exceptionally good at it. He’s also very smart, which is clear when he starts rattling off statistics and budget figures. Since taking over, Hickman has made many reforms including implementing business methodologies and upgrading technology. There is no doubt that Harris County is safer with Ron Hickman as Sheriff.
County Tax Assessor-Collector: Mike Sullivan
Under the leadership of Mike Sullivan, customer service and efficiency have flourished at the office of Harris County Tax Assessor-Collector. Sullivan continues to drive innovation at the office and his passion for the office shows in his dedication to efficient delivery of services, while maintaining a sharp eye on the budget.
County School Trustee, Position 1, Precinct 2: George Moore
George Moore retired after a 40+ year career with KBR where he developed his extensive management and problem solving skills, which would be highly effective in streamlining the functions of the Harris County Department of Education. George holds an MBA and is currently an adjunct professor at the University of Houston.
County School Trustee, Position 2, Precinct 4: Eric Dick
Eric Dick has a heart for public service and deep compassion for others, which was epitomized by his effort to repeal the City of Houston’s charitable feeding ban. Eric, a strong fiscal conservative, is running for the HCDE to add another needed voice of fiscal accountability.
County Commissioner, Precinct 3: Steve Radack
Commissioner Steve Radack, brings over two decades of public service to the office of County Commissioner, Precinct 3. He has been a highly effective county commissioner and without a doubt the most qualified in this two-way race. TCR enthusiastically recommends a vote for a 6th term for Commissioner Steve Radack.
Justice of the Peace, Precinct 4, Place 1: Lincoln Goodwin
Judge Lincoln Goodwin has had a diverse legal career that includes a US District Court clerkship, private practice, and as an Assistant District attorney. With experience in both criminal and civil law, Judge Goodwin is uniquely qualified to preside as the JP Precinct 4, Place 1.
Constable, Precinct 4: Mark Herman
When Constable Ron Hickman was appointed Harris County Sheriff, Mark Herman was tapped by Harris County Commissioners Court to succeed him. Herman has over three decades of service in the Precinct 4 Constable’s office, rising through the ranks to the position of Assistant Chief, where he supervised nearly 250 deputies. Herman’s long history in the office make him the perfect successor.
Constable, Precinct 5: Ted Heap
Ted Heap has 30-plus years of experience and is only candidate in the race who is a law enforcement officer, which is vital for someone leading frontline officers. Heap has been recognized for his service and promoted through the ranks, achieving the rank of Chief at the Precinct 5 Constable’s office.
Harris County Republican Party Chairman: Rick Ramos
Rick Ramos has an inspiring story. He and his family fled a communist dictatorship in the dead of night to seek a better life in the U.S. With desire and hard work, Ramos built a successful legal practice and achieved the American Dream. Now Ramos wants to apply his grit and determination to reforming and revitalizing the local party. Ramos’ youth, energy, passion and heritage make him ideally suited to lead the HCRP in the critical 2016 election.
Republican Voters May Drink the Trump-Clinton-Perot
Kool-Aid Once Again on Super Tuesday, and Fall for Perhaps
the Biggest “Con” Yet in Modern American Political History
By Lifelong Republican Activists John & Jane
TCR Comment: This submission is from a major conservative leader in America whose business could be adversely affected by an out of control President. This article is a must read:
Stop for a reflective moment in your otherwise busy life, and think back to election night in November 1992 when Bill Clinton, likely won the presidency thanks to Ross Perot‘s 3rd party candidacy. It’s been reported that in the top 50 Republican suburban congressional districts of America, Perot received roughly 20-25% of the vote, thereby guaranteeing the defeat of Bush 41. Richard Nixon may have received a similar victory in 1968 with George Wallace‘s 3rd party bid taking key southern state voters away from Hubert Humphrey. Today, look at Super Tuesday 2016 in the Republican Primary and ask yourself, is history about to repeat itself? Is this just a new twist to the Republican losses of 1992 and 1996, with a man who donated heavily to Democrats in the recent decade, and as recently as 2012 said in an interview “I think Hillary Clinton does a good job, and I like her.”
In addition, a major clue of a possible conspiracy may have just been revealed last week, when Hillary was interviewed about her recent year’s interactions with Trump. Anyone looking at her eyes and hearing her voice could reasonably conclude that she was not totally truthful, and perhaps covering up a conspiracy with Trump so unbelievable, that the odds of it being true would win you millions of dollars in Trump’s casinos.
Most importantly, think back to last year when Trump refused to embrace a pledge to not run as a third party candidate (aka pledge to support the Republican nominee). That is the most critical piece of data we have seen to date, in this brutal presidential race for the Republican nomination. Why would Trump enter the race as a Republican, and not automatically pledge to support the nominee? This was clearly one of the few moments of reality in his campaign. Although he eventually pivoted to pledge to support the nominee, long before he thought he could win it, was his word to do so really good then? Is it good now? More importantly, what does it really say about his true loyalty to defeating Hillary? Everyone knows that if he ran as a 3rd party candidate, no Republican could defeat Hillary. So, why not pledge from the start, if you are not planning on making a 3rd party run, after you lose the nomination.
We need only to think back to the results of both Perot campaigns again, and it’s only 24 & 20 years later, and see clearly that we are about to suffer a bigger “con” – a con for the Republican nomination, and not just the general election. Is Trump’s candidacy a Trojan horse for Hillary? Politics is an extremely tough profession and sport, and the Clinton’s always play to win the Super Bowl every year. The potential theft of our Republican presidential nomination by a longtime Clinton-ally, is solely for the purpose of securing the presidency for Hillary, and not Trump.
A few small and very-elite Clinton factions of the “Business Establishment” may well have been in on it all along, along with the inner circle of the greater Clinton-loving news media, who fancy themselves the “wizards” behind the curtains. Sadly, America is now, and is increasingly their OZ, and Super Tuesday will prove it for at least another 8 years of manipulation and control, if Trump wins most delegates that day. Horribly, our freedoms are dying in America and these people love it, and the adoption of and obedience to liberal ideology, is at an all-time post-Stalin high.
Even the Supreme Court will probably be 5-4 ultra-liberal by this time next year, even if Trump wins the Republican nomination. Remember the moderate Republican presidents that gave us ultra-liberal Supreme Court justice appointments? Bush 41 gave us Souter, Ford gave us Stevens, Nixon gave us Blackmon, and Eisenhower gave us Warren and Brennan. All 5 were total liberal disasters. Will there really be any difference between SOTUS justices appointed by Clinton & Trump, or these 5 ultra-liberal justices, for that matter?
What if Trump’s candidacy was another well planned risk-reducing plan of the Clinton brain trust? Have they not ever tried to plan and game their way to the White House before? For 60 years or more, each of them has been focused above all else, on being POTUS. What if Hillary and Bill woke up one day and thought, “after we finally secure Hill’s inevitable Democrat nomination this time, what if we got one of our liberal Ross Perot-like business friends to run in the Republican Primary?” Trump? Bloomberg? Who else? And here’s the funniest and best part of all for them; what if that candidate talked even harsher than any conservative before him, made conservatism even embarrassing to consider to most mainstream Americans, as a reasonable policy ideology. And then, if he ran either as a 3rd party Perot-like candidate, or hilariously, if he won the nomination, causing Hillary to easily win the election. And in defeat, he takes all the ultra-conservative wing-nut ideas down with him in a crash so significant in history, that few people will remember Reagan, or even care about Reagan’s conservative philosophy, anymore.
In just, say, a few more decades, few will be left alive that grew up or lived when Ronald Reagan was President. The Clinton’s might think, few will remember Ronnie or care, and we and our liberal professors and common core school curricula can re-teach the history of Reagan as a dark time in American history, just like the more recent Bush 43 years. Instead, the rise of “Clintonism” will be the new history of America. With Bill, Hillary, and Barack Obama as our new George Washington, John Adams, and Thomas Jefferson, we will begin a new American Revolution leading away from free enterprise, capitalism, and personal freedom, and actually become the liberal utopia of a “Global Village”, suppressing non-liberal thought and individualism, and of course, forcing the eventual outlawing of gun ownership. Even better, Hillary can pick Michelle Obama for her Vice-President, and assure larger voter turnout in the minority community once again, like 2008 and 2012. So then, once and for all, the Clinton-Obama dynasty will have reigned for 32 years of American history. Of course, don’t let me forget, with Barack Obama as Hillary’s first appointment to the US Supreme Court, thanks to yet another cooperative D&R moderate/liberal-controlled Senate, and of course, 10-20 million more illegal immigrants welcomed as citizens to vote, America would indeed become a massive Venezuelan-like pseudo-monarchy of Business Socialism for ever more. For ever more. No election could possibly ever overturn the damage done by this election result on Super Tuesday. It’s for our freedom, as will the November one, as well.
Did you or someone you know or love, vote for Ross Perot in 1992? 1996? Are you voting for Donald Trump on Tuesday? Will history repeat itself, as a result of your vote for Trump?
So my Trump-voting Americans, if you want to give America to Hillary and her allies, vote for Donald Trump on Super Tuesday. Whether she or Trump get elected next fall, she and her ideology wins. And if you think this is a conspiracy theory or even a nutty novel, understand that those like us that have been involved at the foundation of grassroots activism for decades, have seen the great ones and the train wrecks. Super Tuesday may well be the next train wreck of the Republican Party, from which American Civilization as we love it may never return.
Finally, please vote for anyone but Trump on Super Tuesday. If you vote for Trump, you are voting for the Clinton-Obama dynasty, and condemning American Civilization to a horrible revolution, the outcome of which would likely be an America that you would never want your children’s children, or their children’s children, to live in. It is simply more likely to happen, if you vote for Trump and he wins the nomination. You will have been conned, like Perot voters were in 1992 & 1996.
May God Bless America with wiser voters on Tuesday, than those that voted for Ross Perot in 1992 and 1996.
This Has Festered Long Enough
By Erick Erickson
Spot-on observation from Erick Erickson, a politically conservative blogger who also hosts a radio show on WSB Atlanta:
“We have arrived at the time where everyone who does not want Trump to be the GOP nominee must unite…”
“All of this is to say that no one knows who will come out with the delegate lead on Tuesday.
“What I do know to be sure is that talk of a brokered convention could be ruination to our fortunes in November and bitterly divisive. What I also know is that there is such a strong anti-establishment current in the party and nation right now, a nominee from a brokered convention has the potential to be seen by even the anti-Trump base as illegitimate.
“I think the time has come to stop letting egos and Trump fester. I think the candidates must now consider that whoever comes out of Tuesday with the most delegates behind Trump be the Presidential nominee and whoever is third be the uniting Vice President.
“In 1980, Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush put aside their egos and attacks at a time of Soviet threats and a rising Iranian menace. If Cruz and Rubio are unable to do the same and unite in the face of an ISIS threat and a rising Russian menace, they will be men who failed to rise to the challenges of their age…
“For the good of the nation, not just the party, the second and third place delegate count winners after Tuesday need to agree to a unity ticket. We have waited too long, we have delayed the attacks on Trump, we cannot wait to see how March 15th turns out or wait for a brokered convention. We absolutely must unite to shift the race… We must stop Trump.”
TCR Comment: Both our country and our conservative party are in an existential crisis and Erick’s idea is probably what is necessary to save both, so whether it will be Cruz-Rubio or Rubio-Cruz, it’s time to unite. Isn’t America worth it? Similar decisions could’ve been made by people of goodwill in Germany in the 1930’s and they failed to act, we cannot make the same mistake.
Attend Your Pct. Convention, Get Elected a
Delegate, Pass Conservative Resolutions,
Change Republican Party Leadership
TCR Comment: The following with thanks to friend Jared Woodfill, former HCRP Chair and conservative candidate for Chairman of the Republican Party of Texas:
The liberal Republicans who control the leadership positions in the Texas House, lieutenants of liberal Speaker Straus, and in the Republican Party of Texas (RPT), interim party chairman Tom Mechler and his lieutenants, are determined to water down our RPT platform.
You can stop this from happening by attending your precinct convention at your voting location on Tuesday night, March 1, 2016 at 7 PM. In some areas of Texas (NOT Harris County) the precinct conventions may be held later in the week. Ask your election judge in your precinct about this.
The Precinct Convention is not well-known, but is like a town hall meeting made up of Republicans who have voted in the Republican Primary and live in your precinct.
Anyone who votes in the Republican primary election (either in early voting, voting by mail, or at the polls on election day) is eligible to attend his or her precinct convention. Your convention will take place at your precinct’s election day polling place after the polls close at 7:00 p.m. The time and place of your precinct convention must be posted at each poll during primary election day. Expect anywhere from one to well over 50 – 100 participants to attend.
There are only two items of business for the precinct convention:
1) The election of delegates and alternates to county or senatorial district conventions which will be held on Saturday, March 19th, and
2) The approval of resolutions to be sent to these conventions. These resolutions then work their way through senatorial district conventions to the Republican State Convention where, if adopted, they become part of the State Republican Party Platform. Be sure to print out the recommended resolutions in triplicate and get them passed by your precinct convention.
Coming Super Tuesday March 1
Coming Super Tuesday March 1: TCR Editor Gary Polland helps helm KPRC’s (NBC Houston) political coverage live on Click2Houston.com with host Khambrel Marshall.
TCR on the Air
Red, White & Blue featuring TCR Editor Gary Polland and liberal commentator David Jones on Fridays at 7:30 pm on PBS Houston Channel 8, replaying Saturdays at 6:30 p.m. on Channel 8, Mondays at 11:30 pm on Channel 8.2 and on the web at www.houstonpublicmedia.org.
About Your Editor
Gary Polland is a long-time conservative and Republican spokesman, fund-raiser, and leader who completed three terms as the Harris County Republican Chairman. During his three terms, Gary was described as the most successful county Chairman in America by Human Events – The National Conservative Weekly. He is in his sixteenth year of editing a newsletter dealing with key conservative and Republican issues. The last fourteen years he has edited Texas Conservative Review. As a public service for the last 13 years, Gary has published election guides for the GOP primary, general elections and city elections, all with the purpose of assisting conservative candidates. Gary is also in his 14th year of co-hosting Red, White and Blue on PBS Houston, longest running political talk show in Texas history. Gary is a practicing attorney and strategic consultant. He can be reached at (713) 621-6335.