Hard Hitting Conservative Commentary by Gary M. Polland
Volume XIV Number 2 – January 21, 2015
Thoughts This Fortnight
Texas GOP Chairs, The Choices
Last issue, TCR published its tribute to retiring State Chairman Steve Munisteri and laid out what makes a good chairman.
How about the choices we have?
Wade Emmert, Dallas County Republican Chair. Dallas County used to be a powerhouse Republican stronghold. No more. The county is dominated by the Democrats, and Wade has not made any real difference. Also of concern are two key Dallas area Republicans, former National Committeewoman Denise McNamara and former State Chair Cathie Adams, who are both backing Jared Woodfill.
Tom Mechler, Treasurer of the Republican Party of Texas, he has been an SREC member (which is the body choosing), so he is the insider candidate. Mechler previously ran against former conservative chair Cathie Adams. He is from the panhandle.
Jared Woodfill, former long-time Harris County GOP Chairman, has emerged as the movement conservative choice. Jared, as the Harris County Chair, won over 90% of the countywide races and raised millions of dollars for the GOP and its candidates. Jared is also a proven fighter for conservative principles, and is on the front line of the battle to save our state and nation under assault by the politically correct or the weak-kneed. Jared also shares the traits of what makes a great chairman – communications, organization, principles and always fundraising. Jared states that he will bring the team the greatest conservative political wins in the state to build on Chairman Munisteri’s great record of accomplishment. He is clearly the choice of rank and file Republicans. Let’s hope the SREC realizes this, and does the right thing.
Conservative Ideas For Reform
In The Texas Juvenile Justice System
In consultation with great conservative legal minds and our GOP juvenile court judges, here are some common-sense ideas for juvenile justice reform.
- Presumptive automatic sealing of juvenile record 2 years after judgment. The State will have the opportunity to object to the sealing and obtain a court hearing. To be a candidate for automatic sealing, the juvenile must have no pending charges and no “3G offenses” falling under Section 3g of the Code of Criminal Procedure Article 42.12, which include: capital murder, murder, indecency with a child by contact, aggravated kidnapping, aggravated sexual assault, aggravated robbery, sexual assault, injury to a child, injury to an elderly person, injury to a disabled individual, sexual performance by a child, criminal solicitation and any crime where a deadly weapon was used during, before or after the offense;
- A deferred Determinate Sentence can be granted by the Court when the juvenile reaches the age of 19, at which time the Court will then transfer the case from juvenile to adult court or dismiss the case;
- For cases involving a Determinate Sentence the Judge can seal juvenile records by a motion filed by juvenile or juvenile’s counsel;
- The Court determining the disposition of the case has the option to determine whether a Determinate Sentence will be made and whether or not such a sentence is appropriate;
- Allow child or parents to submit a written waiver of service of pleadings in a juvenile court; and
- Allow direct appeal of a decision by the juvenile court to certify a minor as an adult for a criminal charge.
Ronald Reagan On Moderation In The GOP 1975
“I am impatient with the Republicans who after the last election are rushing into print saying, ‘We must broaden the base of our party.’ What they meant was to fuzz and blur even more the differences between ourselves and our opponents.”
“Our people look for a cause to believe in. Is it a third party we need, or is the new and revitalized second party raising a banner of no pale pastels but of bold color choices making it unmistakably clear where we stand on all of the issues troubling the people? … It is time to reassess our principles and raise them to full view. And if there are those who cannot subscribe to these principles, then let them go their way.”
New Day In Texas
This week Greg Abbott brings his numerous gifts to the governorship. Look for his common-sense conservative vision to lead the state in a way we all can be proud of. The new Lieutenant Governor, Dan Patrick, a conservative product of the grassroots movement, is a passionate policy reformer who understands how and why conservative reform ideas can make our state a better place for all its citizens. This week is the dawning of a new age for Texas with the opportunity to establish another decade of GOP leadership.
Comment Re: 2016: Let’s Elect a
Grown-up President by Bruce Bialosky
TCR received the following and wanted to share it with you:
I always enjoy reading Bruce Bialosky’s column, but I have some comments regarding 2016: Let’s Elect a Grown-up President in the last issue.
I find the Portman idea to be unreasonable and unlikely.
The only reason the guy would ever be considered for even VP, is that he’s from Ohio, a key battleground state, and Gov. Kasich would be more additive to the ticket from Ohio.
In the end, as much as I seek to find the next Ronald Reagan, I see only one candidate equal, and that’s Ted Cruz. Unfortunately, this is not going to be his year for the presidency, but he’d make a great VP, and get set up for a Reagan-like for succession to whomever does get the nomination.
Of course, Jeb or Mitt will probably choose another Paul Ryan-type, and run the risk of us losing again to Hillary, when she picks Elizabeth Warren to energize their base.
Right now, there are:
4 moderate-liberals running: Jeb Bush, Mitt Romney, Chris Christie, and Marco Rubio
5 conservatives running: Ted Cruz, Rick Perry, Mike Huckabee, Rick Santorum, and Ben Carson
1 libertarian: Rand Paul
With Jeb’s fast fundraising start out of the gate this past month, I’d say he’s well on his way to setting up a second Bush vs. Clinton battle in 2016.
He may pick Gov. Kasich for VP, if he thinks it will bring Ohio to the Republican column, but not Portman.
Florida goes for Jeb anyway, so no need for Rubio on the ticket, other than a Hispanic name. Would hispanics vote more for Jeb if he is, in any major numbers? Probably not, since he’s already so good with them himself.
TCR on the Air
Red, White & Blue featuring TCR Editor Gary Polland, liberal commentator David Jones and moderator Linda Lorelle on Fridays at 7:30 pm on PBS Houston Channel 8.1, replaying Saturdays at 6:30 p.m. on Channel 8.1, Mondays at 11:30 pm on Channel 8.2 and on the web at www.houstonpbs.org.
Upcoming shows:
Wayne Thorburn, author of Red State. Examines the history and transformation of Texas politics.
Richard Parker, author of Lone Star Nation. Are the landscape of Texas and its politics shifting?
The current show as well as past shows are available on YouTube.
About Your Editor
Gary Polland is a long-time conservative and Republican spokesman, fund-raiser, and leader who completed three terms as the Harris County Republican Chairman. During his three terms, Gary was described as the most successful county Chairman in America by Human Events – The National Conservative Weekly. He is in his sixteenth year of editing a newsletter dealing with key conservative and Republican issues. The last fourteen years he has edited Texas Conservative Review. As a public service for the last 12 years, Gary has published election guides for the GOP primary, general elections and city elections, all with the purpose of assisting conservative candidates. Gary is also in his 15th year of co-hosting Red, White and Blue on PBS Houston, longest running political talk show in Texas history. Gary is a practicing attorney and strategic consultant. He can be reached at (713) 621-6335.