Hard Hitting Conservative Commentary by Gary M. Polland

Volume XIII Number 8 – February 21, 2014

Read TCR 2014 Primary Voters Guide Online

Full Endorsement Explanations Here or download Voter Recommendations Here

Thoughts This Fortnight

Former C Club President* Bert Keller
Dumps Simpson and Endorses Woodfill

Former City of Houston Councilman Bert Keller switches endorsement to Woodfill stating, “Jared and I have been friends for years and I am honored to support him for re-election for Chairman of the Harris County Republican Party.”

TCR Comment: This is a huge coup for Chairman Woodfill, as a respected conservative taking a hard look at the choices and hearing Simpson’s stunning lack of vision and plans for the future of the HCRP, switched his support.

* Title used for reference only.

Get Informed, Get Active,
And Vote In The GOP Primary 2014

With all the attacks on “endorsers” it’s important for voters to see through the attempt to create fog about endorsements.

Here are the facts – TCR is in its 13th year of publication. Every newsletter and magazine published by TCR are available on our website. When TCR endorses candidates we explain those endorsements in detail, unlike any other entity that endorses except The Houston Chronicle. This cycle special interests have funded new endorsement lists to confuse voters and at the same time attack long established publications and groups that endorse. These wanna-be endorsers do not explain why they endorse, and don’t explain how the decision is made or who paid them to do it. Be especially careful of groups that are not involved solely in GOP politics, or have a history of also endorsing Democrats, or whose name refers to a special interest profession like real estate. They ask you, the voter, to “trust” them and let them think for you.

At TCR we suggest you think for yourself, review all the reliable information you can get about candidates, and then vote. We ask you to consider our list.

Your participation in the 2014 primary will ensure we nominate the best candidates to run in what could be a challenging November election.

Greg Abbott Is Too Good For Ted Nugent

Greg Abbott has overcome much in life. He did not let the loss of his legs slow him down. He was a great lawyer, District Judge, Supreme Court Justice and Attorney General and now he is running for Governor.

At TCR, we know Greg cares deeply about conservative solutions to the challenges Texas faces and can be a great Governor.

Given all he brings to the table, TCR wonders who in his campaign decided to bring Ted Nugent in, does it do anything for Greg, and why was it done?

At this point, it seems it only has given the Davis campaign new things to attack Greg on and has become a needless distraction.

We hope these unforced errors by the Abbott political team will end and the citizens of Texas can get to know Greg unfiltered by sideshows like Nugent.

Special Alert from Friend and
Conservative Leader Gary Bauer

Special Alert from Gary Bauer and Campaign for Working Families:

If you’ve been watching Fox News in the past day or so, then you know about the latest controversy involving the Obama Administration’s efforts to silence its critics by using the Federal Communications Commission to go after the news media.

Here’s an update: The FCC Commissioner who ordered this so-called study of “critical information needs” is Mignon Clyburn, daughter of House Assistant Democratic Leader Rep. James Clyburn of South Carolina.

So just to be clear: the daughter of a leading House Democrat has launched an investigation — a study, of course — to determine whether the media are “meeting the needs of those in varied and vibrant communities of our nation — be they native born, immigrant, disabled, non-English speaking, low-income, or other.”

We already know there is a strong bias in the media — pro-left and anti-right. But we know that is not what is on Ms. Clyburn’s mind.

Eight “critical needs” were identified for this study: civic information, economic opportunities, education, the environment, health and welfare, transportation and political information. Given that government bureaucrats are involved, it’s a safe bet that when it comes to coverage of the environment, they will not be looking to ensure that there is balance between global warming alarmists and skeptics.

And when it comes to meeting the critical information needs of underserved populations, I can safely guarantee that they don’t mean shining a brighter spotlight on persecuted Christians. Instead, they will probably be more concerned about greater coverage of the more than 50 different genders that apparently exist. (And you thought there were only two!)

A few years ago, we were promised a fundamental transformation of American society. It is undeniably happening.

BREAKING: Under pressure, Obama has dumped this stupid idea.

Thank You President Obama for Freeing Me

By Bruce Bialosky, Contributing Editor

Hi, I’m Dave.

Until recently I was a full-time employee and had a very good job. In fact most years we were so busy I worked some long hours and received some significant bonuses from my employer. But now I have been freed from having to spend so much time supporting my family. Because of some great new policies from our government, I am now working part-time and spending more time with my family.

It has been an adjustment. When I told my wife the exciting news that I would spending more time at home, initially she wasn’t delighted. She sure seemed like she did not want me around. She asked how we were going to put the money away for the kids’ college educations. I was a little surprised she was not more focused on the time we could spend together, working on our relationship. She seemed like she thought having me at work was more beneficial for us. Then I told her about all the neat government programs that would help the kids pay for college. Plus, I am confident we will grow closer as we have more quality time together. I did point out we may have less money to spend, but sharing time was what life was all about.

The kids were really excited to hear about me being around a lot more. Kinda. Madison asked if I really was not going to work. When I told her it would give us more time to get to know each other, she said “Dad, get real. I’m like really busy with school and my friends. Maybe soon.” And then she stared at her phone and said she was having a conversation with a friend. Buddy Boy was a lot more receptive. I told him I could now learn how to play those video games and we could play together. He said, “Hey, don’t you think it would be geekish for me to be playing video games with my old man?” When I told him no, he turned and closed the door to his room. I am sure once he warms up to the idea we will have a blast together.

I went on HealthCare.gov and found out that my income is now going to be lower so I qualify for some really big subsidies. As long as I don’t go back to working full-time, the government will pay for over half of my family’s health insurance. All I have to do is just keep my work at the current reduced level and we will have some great coverage. I can even pick up some work on the side (if you know what I mean) and not have it affect my ability to have the government pay for most all our health insurance. Once I figured it out, we are really better off with me working less and staying home more.

Then with my new free time I found a speech that Mrs. Obama gave to college students. She told them “Don’t leave money on the table. “This was regarding getting student aid that she told them did not have to be paid back. Pondering that I thought why not me? So I applied for Food Stamps — thankfully now called SNAP — and it makes me feel so much better. I was really surprised to find out that at my new income level that we qualify as a family.

The nice people at the SNAP office told me there are other state and federal programs I qualify for to help underwrite my new reduced income. For example, they will help pay for my utilities. While I was so busy working I never realized there were so many programs to help people. I have researched it and found there are over 100 programs to help pay for me. How stupid I feel working hard all these years when I could have been home and the government would pay for all these things.

As I begin my new less demanding life, I am really just beginning to explore the universe I am now part of each day. Who knew I could work so little and still get all this stuff from the government? President Obama, thank you for freeing me from the burden of having to work so hard to support my family. Now I just have to get my family used to having me around. And find something to do with my time.

I’m Dave, and I love this new America.

Bruce Bialosky is the founder of the Republican Jewish Coalition of California and a former Presidential appointee.

TCR on the Air

Red, White & Blue featuring TCR Editor Gary Polland, liberal commentator David Jones and moderator Linda Lorelle on Fridays at 7:30 pm on PBS Houston Channel 8.1, replaying Saturdays at 6:30 p.m. on Channel 8.1, Mondays at 11:30 pm on Channel 8.2 and on the web at www.houstonpbs.org.

Upcoming Shows:
This week: Former Democratic candidate for President, Howard Dean.
Next week: Texas and U.S. Supreme Court previews.

The current show as well as past shows are available on YouTube.

About Your Editor

Gary Polland is a long-time conservative and Republican spokesman, fund-raiser, and leader who completed three terms as the Harris County Republican Chairman. During his three terms, Gary was described as the most successful county Chairman in America by Human Events – The National Conservative Weekly. He is in his fifteenth year of editing a newsletter dealing with key conservative and Republican issues. The last twelve years he has edited Texas Conservative Review. As a public service for the last 10 years, Gary has published election guides for the GOP primary, general elections and city elections, all with the purpose of assisting conservative candidates. Gary is also in his twelfth year of co-hosting Red, White and Blue on PBS Houston. Gary is a practicing attorney and strategic consultant. He can be reached at (713) 621-6335.

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