Hard Hitting Conservative Commentary by Gary M. Polland
Volume XIII Number 5 – February 5, 2014
Thoughts This Fortnight
Endorsements Continue For
The 2014 GOP Primary: Part 5
In the 2014 Republican primary in Texas, in many of the races we have lots of good choices. Our job is to pick the best candidates and tell you why. We will roll out endorsements on a weekly basis.
U.S. House of Representatives, District 36 – Ben Streusand
After only one meager term in office, Congressman Steve Stockman has abandoned District 36, creating an open seat that has attracted a field of 12 candidates all hoping to take Stockman’s place. TCR’s favorite in Congressional District 36 is businessman Ben Streusand, who has the experience, philosophy and ideas to make a difference in the US Congress. It is no secret that our nation faces many challenges, perhaps none of which is greater than a looming fiscal crisis brought on by irresponsible spending and exacerbated by the big government overreach of the current Administration, including the hijacking of our nation’s health care. These issues underscore the need for someone like Streusand, who not only understands finance and business, but also has the experience and perspective to formulate big ideas to solve those issues. Streusand also views securing our border, repeal of Obamacare and protecting 2nd Amendment rights (he is a Life Member of the NRA and holds a CHL) as cornerstones of his political agenda. We also like the fact that Streusand has been working in the trenches and speaking out on these issues for the past ten years as the Texas Advisory Board Chairman for the grassroots group Americans for Prosperity and as a political commentator for KSEV radio. TCR is pleased to recommend conservative Ben Streusand for U.S. House of Representatives, District 36 based on his superior qualifications, conservative ideas and for his committed work on behalf of conservative issues over the past decade.
Court of Criminal Appeals – Places 3, 4 and 9
On the March 4th ballot, Texas Republicans will vote to fill vacancies created by the retirement of three judges on the Court of Criminal Appeals (CCA), which is the state’s highest criminal court. The nine Judges on the CCA are elected statewide, serve terms of six years and hear selected cases after first being heard by the one of the 14 Courts of Appeals with the exception of death penalty cases, which go directly to the CCA upon appeal.
Court of Criminal Appeals Place 3 – Judge Bert Richardson
With an unrivaled depth and breadth of experience, Judge Bert Richardson is far and away the best choice for Court of Criminal Appeals, Place 3. Judge Richardson has over 25 years of trial experience (of which 10 is as a trial judge), is the only candidate with Board Certification in Criminal Law and also the only one with trial experience at both the State and Federal levels. Judge Bert Richardson’s experience and qualifications make him the best choice for CCA, Place 3.
Court of Criminal Appeals Place 4 – Kevin Patrick Yeary
Kevin Patrick Yeary has the most extensive experience with the Court of Criminal Appeals that we could find for any of the candidates for the CCA, Place 4. Kevin Patrick Yeary started his career at the CCA as a briefing attorney and has spent most of his 22 year career practicing before the CCA as both a prosecutor and a defense attorney, which offers a unique perspective and advantage over his rivals. Based on his experience at the Court of Criminal Appeals, Kevin Patrick Yeary will be able to make a difference on the Court from day one and earns TCR’s vote for those reasons.
Court of Criminal Appeals Place 9 – David Newell
David Newell has the combination of experience, qualifications and scholarly legal insight that we like to see on the Court of Criminal Appeals. Newell is Board Certified in Criminal Law and Criminal Appellate Law and is currently a Harris County Assistant District Attorney in the Appellate Division, which has allowed him to appear before not only the CCA, but also Texas Supreme Court and intermediate courts of appeals. Additionally, as a prolific author and speaker on legal issues, Newell has demonstrated legal expertise and communication skills that will further enhance his contribution to the Court. Best of all, Newell has an obvious passion for appellate law, which we believe will be invaluable in his service. TCR is proud to recommend David Newell for the Court of Criminal Appeals, Place 9.
State Representative, District 132 – Mike Schofield
State Representative Bill Callegari‘s retirement in District 132 has drawn a field of four to replace the veteran lawmaker. In this race, TCR likes Mike Schofield for his long time involvement in the GOP and for his extensive public policy experience that he has honed over the past 10+ years as a public policy advisor to Governor Rick Perry on a range of issues including Voter ID, eminent domain, and appraisal cap reductions. Schofield’s background, intelligence, dedication to service, and public policy acumen and experience in Austin will help him to be an effective force in the Legislature from the beginning without the usual learning curve associated with freshmen legislators. TCR recommends a vote for Mike Schofield and the conservative public policy expertise he brings to the job.
State Representative, District 149 – Nghi T. Ho
It will take a strong Republican to defeat incumbent Democrat Hubert Vo in this competitive district and TCR believes that Nghi T. Ho is the best-qualified candidate to reclaim this seat for conservatives in November. Nghi T. Ho’s extensive roots in District 149 date back nearly three decades when he attended public school in Alief ISD before going to University of Texas at Austin on a Navy ROTC scholarship. Upon graduation, Nghi served our nation as a naval officer in the Persian Gulf War before returning home to embark on a career in financial planning. Nghi T. Ho has not only the business experience that we like to see put to work in the Legislature, but also a history of leadership and community involvement that make him best suited to win the District 149 race. He is also not another politician looking for another job. Ho just wants to be in the legislature and represent District 149.
Houston Chronicle Editorial On Lieutenant
Governor’s Race Reminds Me Of High School
The Chronicle on Sunday made its endorsement in the GOP March primary for Lieutenant Governor and the content reminded us of our high school newspaper with sophomoric comments about who in the legislature likes whom in the race or where the conservative positions fall on life, guns and the border. What is really bothersome is it’s clear the Democratic candidate will be endorsed no matter who we nominate.
Iran Update:
Now Iranian General Threatens The USA!
If you want to know their true intentions, read carefully what they say; and like Nazi Germany, the radical Islamic regime in Teheran tells us how they really feel. General Hossein Salami recently stated, “The U.S. military option is of no care to us. They can use this option, but should take the responsibility for its destructive consequences.”
The General said Iran would “recognize no boundary for its response” if the U.S. took out the Iranian nuclear program. He also said, “We have… identified centers in America (for attack) that will create a shock… in which they (America) will be destroyed from within.” And for this we released $10 billion and basically eliminated sanctions.
“Gordie” Zacks RIP
Gordon Zacks, founder of the Republican Jewish Coalition and CEO of the R.G. Barry Corporation, died last Saturday. In 1985, Gordie Zacks inspired your editor and other young Jewish Republicans to get active in the only party that can save and preserve America and freedom here and around the world.
Gordie was active not just in politics, but in governing and worked closely with Presidents George H.W. Bush and Ronald Reagan on key issues such as Israeli-U.S. relations, the Middle East peace process, and the embattled communities in the Soviet Union and Ethiopia. He will be missed.
Iris Manes RIP
TCR recently learned of the passing of Iris Manes. She was very involved in the Harris County Republican Party & the state Party for many years. She served as Vice Chairman of HCRP, as Secretary of the HCRP and worked tirelessly on various committees as the Republican Party grew in Harris County and Texas. The Republican Party is stronger today because of her years of service and she will be greatly missed.
Women Need to Have Equality
By Bruce Bialosky, Contributing Editor
In the aftermath of Maria Shriver’s report presented to President Obama on how women are being abused financially in America, we need to take a look at whether they have reached real equality.
We are not speaking about whether women earn the same money as men. That remains a fascinating canard in a society where more women have college degrees and we have a couple of generations of women being in the workforce and starting their own businesses. I have always said that the marketplace would eventually even out these issues because if women really were earning only 77 cents on the dollar, no man would get hired because only an idiot would pay so much more for the exact same skills.
What I am speaking of is how women do not get equal political treatment. While watching a recent Fox News Special Report panel, what set me off was when Julie Pace of the Associated Press stated that there could be a backlash coming because of over reach in attacks against Wendy Davis. Wendy Davis is the Democratic gubernatorial candidate in Texas. It was clear that the implication was that men were beating up on her and that would come back to haunt them. How many times have we heard this before?
This subject is still front and center, particularly with all the speculation about the candidacy of Hillary Clinton for President in 2016. There remains significant discussion about the potential for men running against her beating up on the little woman. We believe that this is large reason why Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) did not go after her when she now-famously answered his question by stating “Was it because of a protest or was it because of guys out for a walk one night and decided they’d go kill some Americans,” Clinton said. “What difference – at this point, what difference does it make?” As we have previously delineated in this column it mattered a lot, and she got away with it because Mr. Johnson was either unprepared to answer or unwilling to attack Mrs. Clinton. Since we know Mr. Johnson is quite smart, we pick the former and believe he did not want to be seen as pummeling a woman – even one who has reached the stature of Hillary.
Miss Davis is getting everything she deserves. First, is she that myopic to not know that misstating your past does not fly any longer? Anybody with a computer and some initiative can put your resume under a microscope. It has happened multiple times and cost many people their jobs, but Davis — who has launched a campaign for the governorship of the second largest state in the union — must have felt she could get away with her manipulations. In this case, it was not some bozo that did the checking, but a reporter for the Dallas Morning News, Wayne Slater, who is well known for his attacks on George W. Bush.
The numerous discrepancies in her resume make her look like a serial liar, but a couple of things bring her integrity into question. Women have justifiably complained on many occasions that their husbands left them after they (the wife) worked to put them through medical or law school. This is a despicable act by a deplorable person. Then why would it not be so for Ms. Davis? She has not denied she left her second husband after he paid for her college and law degrees.
The second thing that makes someone question her integrity is that not only did the daughter from her second marriage choose the husband in the divorce, but the daughter from her first marriage did also (she actually had reached majority age). We deplore men who don’t take full responsibility for their children so why should Ms. Davis be different? I have not seen anywhere that she fought for joint custody. What she apparently fought for was her political career.
She would not own up to her situation beyond stating she had minor timing discrepancies in her resume. After that she attacked the guy in a wheel chair. Her opponent appears to be Greg Abbott, the Texas Attorney General, who was partially paralyzed when hit by a falling tree. If Abbott is guilty of anything he should have just kept out of it, because the press was having a field day with Davis. But Davis stooped even lower and blamed Abbott for the negative press.
What are we missing here? How can anybody not pile on this lady? How can even the likes of Al Sharpton defend this lady? Has she become such a heroine of the left because she defended late-term abortion that she has become untouchable? Are there no grownups in the Democratic Party of Texas who can call for her to step aside since the die is cast and she is dead meat in this race?
None of these questions will be answered because she is a woman and she still gets protection from being treated equally. It is time for women to reach full equality and for the press to treat them the same. If they want full equality economically — as they deserve — then they should be held up to the same scrutiny in the political arena. That means let’s see Davis and Clinton pilloried for their misdeeds and not protected because of their gender.
Bruce Bialosky is the founder of the Republican Jewish Coalition of California and a former Presidential appointee.
TCR on the Air
Red, White & Blue featuring TCR Editor Gary Polland, liberal commentator David Jones and moderator Linda Lorelle on Fridays at 7:30 pm on PBS Houston Channel 8.1, replaying Saturdays at 6:30 p.m. on Channel 8.1, Mondays at 11:30 pm on Channel 8.2 and on the web at www.houstonpbs.org.
Upcoming Shows:
This week: State of the Union review.
Next week: Guest U.S. Representative Ted Poe.
Coming soon: Steve Murdock of Rice University, Author of The New Texas Challenge: Population Change and the Future of Texas.
Ambassador Chase Untermeyer, Author of the new book When Things Were Right – The Dawn of the Reagan-Bush Administration.
The current show as well as past shows are available on YouTube.
About Your Editor
Gary Polland is a long-time conservative and Republican spokesman, fund-raiser, and leader who completed three terms as the Harris County Republican Chairman. During his three terms, Gary was described as the most successful county Chairman in America by Human Events – The National Conservative Weekly. He is in his fifteenth year of editing a newsletter dealing with key conservative and Republican issues. The last twelve years he has edited Texas Conservative Review. As a public service for the last 10 years, Gary has published election guides for the GOP primary, general elections and city elections, all with the purpose of assisting conservative candidates. Gary is also in his twelfth year of co-hosting Red, White and Blue on PBS Houston. Gary is a practicing attorney and strategic consultant. He can be reached at (713) 621-6335.