Hard Hitting Conservative Commentary by Gary M. Polland

Volume XII Number 8 – May 13, 2013

Thoughts This Fortnight

2014 Looking Up For GOP, If We Don’t Blow It

For many reasons, recent developments tell us 2014 could be a great year for us. First, it’s the off year of a second term, which normally is not good for the party in the White House. Second, Obama looks increasingly like a lame duck, failing on gun control and reckless with his so-called red line in Syria (if they use chemical weapons there will be consequences). Third, the economy outside the coasts and Texas is a mixed bag. Fourth, the roll out on ObamaCare is increasingly a problem for voters. Fifth, the artful design of House districts leave few seats the Democrats can pick up. This is confirmed by Mark Sanford‘s win in South Carolina after the House Republican Campaign Committee provided no assistance where the election was a referendum on Nancy Pelosi and the liberal Democrats in Washington.

On the other hand, we need smarter candidates, who don’t stick their foot in their mouths.

Benghazi Hearings:
Maybe The Truth Will Come Out

There is an old saying in politics: it’s not the conduct that does you in; it’s the cover up. Of course, there was an election to win and “Osama is dead and GM is alive” couldn’t be disturbed.

As one blogger, Bill Zimmerman, commented after watching the hearings, “There is absolute proof now that this Administration attempted a coverup of Benghazi. This is a tragedy on many levels – both for Chris Stevens and the marines who tried to help them – and for justice. The Dems are not the least bit interested in what happened, only on trying to keep covering this up. You are wrong that Americans are not listening and paying attention. 2014! It will all change. There was no evidence that funding had anything to do with this. Obama (and Clinton) was asleep at the wheel. Her career is done.”

In the end, the credibility and careers of many in the Obama administration will be damaged beyond repair, up to and including former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

Texas Legislative Session Winds Down

We are in the last month in Austin, the sprint to the finish, with lots to take care of.

Governor Perry wants $2 billion for water (good idea), no fee increases for transportation (Perry’s idea here is debatable, as the state highway system needs significant additional funding), and a balanced budget (good). Still, pressing issues regarding medical services, education and tax reform don’t look like they will get any attention.

We need conservative solutions for the state’s long-term problems, or we will end up with liberal ones, and we won’t be happy with the results.

Richard “Dick” Miller RIP

Dick Miller passed in early April, and when we came across his obituary we were very impressed. Miller was a World War II vet who dropped out of high school to enlist. He fought at Iwo Jima, among other battles. He went to Harvard law school after two years of college at the University of Tulsa. He worked for Baker Botts law firm in Houston for over 30 years, and set up his own boutique law firm known as Miller, Bristow & Brown. He practiced law for over 50 years, and was a lawyer’s lawyer. He was the losing side of the massive case of Pennzoil vs. Texaco, but won well over 90% of his cases.

TCR salutes Richard Miller, one of the greatest generation. He will be missed.

Coming This Year: “Obama” Taxes

That’s right, if you make $250,000 or more you get a 0.9% surtax, and it will affect more taxpayers every year as there is no indexing for inflation. Also, you get to pay a 3.8% tax on investment income (not a way to help grow the private sector).

New York Times Reveals Difficult Truth!

This week’s New York Times Sunday Review revealed that the U.S. now has the highest unemployment rates in the first-world, and it’s a reverse of our position in 2000. Now, 26.6% of our young people are not employed (a truer rate than the Department of Labor’s unemployment rates, which are much lower).

TCR wonders, why wasn’t the New York Times writing about this before the election last year?

TCR on the Air

Red, White & Blue featuring TCR Editor Gary Polland, liberal commentator David Jones and moderator Linda Lorelle on Fridays at 7:30 pm on PBS Houston Channel 8.1, replaying Sundays at 12:30 p.m. on Channel 8.1, Mondays at 11:30 pm on Channel 8.2 and on the web at www.houstonpbs.org. Upcoming Shows:
05/17/13: Mayor Annise Parker: State of the City

The current show as well as past shows are available on YouTube.

About Your Editor

Gary Polland is a long-time conservative and Republican spokesman, fund-raiser, and leader who completed three terms as the Harris County Republican Chairman. During his three terms, Gary was described as the most successful county Chairman in America by Human Events – The National Conservative Weekly. He is in his fifteenth year of editing a newsletter dealing with key conservative and Republican issues. The last twelve years he has edited Texas Conservative Review. As a public service for the last 10 years, Gary has published election guides for the GOP primary, general elections and city elections, all with the purpose of assisting conservative candidates. Gary is also in his eleventh year of co-hosting Red, White and Blue on PBS Houston. Gary is a practicing attorney and strategic consultant. He can be reached at (713) 621-6335.

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