Hard Hitting Conservative Commentary by Gary M. Polland

Volume X Number 6 – April 22, 2011

Texas Budget Agnostics

The battle in Austin regarding balancing the next biennium budget continues. The Senate says “it favors” additional money through budget tweaks, fee adjustments, and the like. The House has the tighter budget and doesn’t want to dip into the Rainy Day Fund again. To TCR, the House position makes sense, as we don’t know what the fiscal picture will be two years from now, and it could be worse. It’s a better idea to make the budget reductions now with the state prioritizing its spending and eliminating unnecessary spending.

The other things needed are a review of how we handle certain state activities like prison and parole to see if we can be more efficient and more effective at the same time. In just this area, we can spend $300 a month for a GPS leg monitor and put low risk prisoners on house arrest, saving the state $4,500 per month per eligible prisoner – that’s $4.2 million per month per 1,000 prisoners put in house arrest. Just one innovative possibility to spend money smarter.

2012 Presidential Campaign – An Update

Many conservatives are throwing up their hands in frustration saying we don’t have a good choice and that we can’t beat Obama. We believe it’s early and that there will be a choice conservatives are happy with and that Obama is beatable (in fact he is far more vulnerable than President George H.W. Bush was in 1991, when he looked unbeatable.)

The GOP needs a leader who tells it like it is and challenges the American people to roll up our sleeves and work to take America back.

Politics as usual is done and the citizens have had enough with kicking our problems down the road for someone else to deal with. If we don’t, instead of us being able to control events, events will control us.

TCR Comment: The emergence in late summer or early fall of serious conservative candidates will cure your anxiety. If Obama continues down the road he is on with the economy having issues, we can and will win in 2012.

Death Of The Dollar

TCR writes frequently about the economy and the strength or weakness of the dollar.

This week’s news that Standard & Poor‘s is contemplating downgrading the USA AAA credit rating in the next two years.

Many blame President Obama’s unprecedented spending spree whose own plan to control spending is weak with no real teeth, and filled with the politics of class warfare.

So what does TCR’s favorite economics writer, Richard Russell (www.dowtheoryletters.com) say?

“The dollar is doing just what the FED wants it to do-it’s sinking, sinking and sinking more. The U.S. has been getting away with spending more than it takes in ever since World War II. It’s a process that isn’t sustainable…The U.S.’s habit of spending more than it’s paying for has finally hit a brick wall… The fiat dollar has no fixed value.” When the dollar’s value sinks, prices go up for all of us-oil, food etc.

TCR’s continuing advice: Diversify out of the dollar because the Democrats plan to inflate away the Federal government debts. While they are doing that, they are decreasing your dollar value and increasing the costs for all your basic needs!

Oh, how about a few facts courtesy of the Wall Street Journal April 18, 2011:

“A 100% tax rate on the top 1% of taxpayers (those making $380,000 and up) would yield less than $940 billion…which would cover just over half of this year’s expected $1.65 trillion deficit.

“To eliminate the deficit entirely, the Journal reports that Uncle Sam would have to impose a 100% tax rate on all earners making $200,000 and more.”

Joe Roach – RIP

The recent unexpected death of Joe Roach has come as a shock for all his many friends. Joe was always a pioneer – as outstanding debater in college, highly successful prosecutor in the Harris County District Attorney’s Office, a member of the first term-limited class of City Councilmen, where Joe beat a long-time incumbent, and of course a successful practicing attorney, husband and father.

Joe could’ve continued in politics but decided to spend his free time with his family and helping other dwarfs find opportunity and spouses and helping the rest of us understand the world they have to deal with through his efforts on ABC-13 in Houston.

TCR and its Editor send our condolences to Joe’s family, wife and children. Joe was a giant personality and person and his loss will be felt by many of us.

TCR on the Air

Red, White & Blue featuring TCR Editor Gary Polland and liberal commentator David Jones, Fridays at 7:30 p.m. and replaying Sundays at 5:00 p.m. on PBS Houston Channel 8 and on the web at www.houstonpbs.org.

Upcoming shows:
4/22/11: Reverend William A. Lawson and Dr. D.Z. Cofield.
4/29/11: Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, 18th Congressional District of TX
5/06/11: Houston Police Chief Charles McClelland and Houston Fire Chief Terry Garrison.
5/13/11: Bruce Vincent, President/Director of Swift Energy Company and Ryan Kennedy, Professor of Energy Politics at U of H Political Science Dept.

For a fun feature go to www.houstonpbs.org and under Red White and Blue, you can see commentary about the show and its guests by Gary and David each week. The current show as well as past shows are also available on YouTube.

About Your Editor

Gary Polland is a long-time conservative and Republican spokesman, fund-raiser, and leader who completed three terms as the Harris County Republican Chairman. During his three terms, Gary was described as the most successful county Chairman in America by Human Events – The National Conservative Weekly. He is in his thirteenth year of editing a newsletter dealing with key conservative and Republican issues. The last nine years he has edited Texas Conservative Review. Gary is a practicing attorney and strategic consultant. He can be reached at (713) 621-6335.

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