Hard Hitting Conservative Commentary by Gary M. Polland

Volume VII Number 16 – October 16, 2008

Don’t Fall for the Left Wing Media Spin,
The Election is Not Over

The major media is trying to get you to give up and let the left have a massive election victory. Nationally, there is still a race to be won and the difference between an Obama-Pelosi-Reid government and a McCain one is profound. In Texas, control of our legislature, county government and courts is critical. Keep your head high, be proud to be a conservative and make sure you and your friends vote. We need a historic turnout to secure a victory in November.

Blakemore (Furse’s Consultant) At It Again:
Lies About Judge Joan Huffman’s Judicial Record

TCR wonders whether there is no shame left in Texas politics. In the critical race for Texas Senate District 17, it’s reported according to reliable sources, that Allen Blakemore (who is Austen Furse‘s consultant) through the Best for Texas PAC that Blakemore created and funded with former Senator Kyle Janek‘s money, has launched a libelous attack on Joan Huffman and her husband.

First, they say she took too many vacation days as a judge, but in their haste to smear a fine judge, they neglected to tell voters that Joan Huffman was a hard working District Judge for six and a half years. Of the days Blakemore-Janek and Furse claim were “78 vacation days a year,” the facts are quite different: There was a visiting judge in her court 282 days during her term, of which 129 days were while she was presiding over capital murder trials, 20 days for illness, 2 days for recusal hearings, 11 days mandatory judicial education, 1 day for a contempt hearing, 4 official administrative days and 115 vacation days (which is 1 and 1/2 days per month). Quite a different story than the one put out by the Blakemore group. If you don’t believe TCR, ask former Judge Ted Poe, he’ll tell you. Oh, and by the way, our hard working judges are entitled to some days off with their families.

Second, she is attacked for quitting in the middle of her second term, but what they don’t tell you is she had to so she could devote herself full-time to a young child who needed her.

Third, they attack her fundraising and her husband’s business. As you all know, candidates take money where they can find it and accepting donations doesn’t mean you accept the donors’ agenda. Her husband operates a legitimate business that follows the law. Isn’t that enough?

TCR is waiting for Austen Furse, who we thought was a class act, to repudiate the smear campaign engineered by his consultant and fire him. Silence implies support. Come on Austen, don’t let them take you into the mud.

The fact is Joan Huffman is a strong conservative we can trust and our best hope to defeat Democrat Chris Bell. By Blakemore’s (Furse) speaking ill of a fellow Republican they have (as prophesied in a previous TCR) endangered a solid Republican Senate seat. If it is indeed lost, you can thank the cabal of Blakemore, Furse, and Janek.

Kathy Haigler Rips John Nau (Donor)
To Get at Joan Huffman, Are You Kidding Me?

It is now silly season in local politics where a leading conservative candidate in SD 17, former Judge Joan Huffman, is being attacked by a party activist for taking a donation from John Nau, who incidentally donates to Planned Parenthood, which is among a myriad of groups he supports.

What does this have to do with Joan Huffman and her strong pro-life credentials? Absolutely nothing, especially since John Nau has donated to about every key conservative officeholder in the State of Texas and has even given money to Ms. Haigler‘s choice in SD 17, Austen Furse.

Does accepting donations from someone mean you buy their whole agenda? No way, but if Haigler is to be believed, I guess your only choice is Democrat Chris Bell, as he didn’t get any money from John Nau.

Book Corner:
Capitol Cat & Watch Dog Unite Lady Freedoms

Capitol Cat & Watch Dog Unite Lady Freedoms is a children’s book written by Janice Law, who TCR has featured in previous editions. The book is a children’s view of the Capitol in DC. This book is a great gift idea. If you would like to know more about this book or would like to order a copy, you can go to www.Amazon.com, www.BarnesandNoble.com or her website: www.judgejanicelaw.com.

TCR on the Air

Red, White & Blue, featuring TCR Editor Gary Polland and liberal commentator David Jones. Airing weekly on Fridays at 8:30 p.m. and Sundays at 5 p.m. on PBS Houston Channel 8. Next broadcast is the debate for CD 22 with Republican Pete Olson, Democrat Nick Lampson and the Libertarian candidate John Weider. Next week October 24 is the Harris County Judge faceoff between Republican incumbent Ed Emmett and Democrat David Mincberg.

About Your Editor

Gary Polland is a long-time conservative and Republican spokesman, fund-raiser, and leader who completed three terms as the Harris County Republican Chairman. During his three terms, Gary was described as the most successful county Chairman in America by Human Events – The National Conservative Weekly. He is in his twelfth year of editing a newsletter dealing with key conservative and Republican issues. The last seven years he has edited Texas Conservative Review. Gary is a practicing attorney and strategic consultant. He can be reached at (713) 621-6335.

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