Hard Hitting Conservative Commentary by Gary M. Polland
Volume V Number 4 – March 10, 2006
A Primary To Remember
2006 will go down in Texas history as a critical primary because of all the significant down ballot races and the state Republican Party’s referendum items (thank you RPT).
TCR also has been aggressive in endorsing conservatives in State Legislative races and exposing RINO’s (Republicans In Name Only). TCR also welcomes Dr. Leininger‘s involvement this cycle supporting candidates who are not afraid of pilot programs for school choice.
So what kind of day was it for conservatives and what did we learn?
TCR supported candidates did well in Harris County where we endorsed down ballot races and we won or are in a runoff in 70% of the races endorsed.
Statewide in State Senator, State Representative and Board of Education races, we won or are in a runoff in 73% of the endorsed races and TCR will be active with Texas Free Enterprise Fund in the runoffs.
A few observations:
- In Southeast Texas, Dan Patrick, the SD 7 candidate who ran as a grassroots conservative whose priorities are limiting spending, ending illegal immigration, and cutting property taxes. He blew out his three opponents with 68% of the vote. This victory is a shot across the bow of the business as usual Austin get-along gang. Added to this key win was Glenn Hegar‘s victory in SD 18 and Robert Nichols’ victory in SD 3, both of whom endorsed the CLOUT grassroots conservative platform (www.clouttexas.com). Maybe finally we are at dawn of a new conservative day in the Texas Senate.
- The “skip” Lt. Governor David Dewhurst project of KSEV Radio in Houston and CLOUT was successful – Dewhurst ran behind his closest two ballot mates, Governor Rick Perry and Attorney General Greg Abbott by 65,000 and 85,000 votes respectfully statewide. This demonstrates a problem with the conservative base for the Lt. Governor that if not addressed, could be trouble in the next election cycle of 2010.
- The RPT Propositions buried at the end of multi-page ballots in big counties all won blow out victories for (1) photo id to vote, (2) no taking of private property, (3) limit government spending increases with some exceptions, and finally, (4) reduce property tax increase rates to 5% or less. The big question is, are our elected officials watching and if so, do they get the message? TCR will be watching and reporting.
- Tom DeLay won 62% of the primary vote despite the multimillion-dollar media campaign (paid and earned media like the Houston Chronicle etc.) against him. This race will still be one to watch because the left will not rest until Tom is defeated. Conservatives have the work cut out for us in District 22.
TCR Supported Candidates In Runoffs
State Representative
District | TCR Endorsed |
11 | Brian Keith Walker |
47 | Alex Castano |
50 | Don Zimmerman |
63 | Tan Parker |
72 | Scott Campbell |
133 | Michael Schofield |
State Board of Education
District | TCR Endorsed |
5 | Ken Mercer |
Here Come The Congressional Conservatives:
Can They Be Successful?
The House Republican Study Committee (RSC), a group of conservative House members led by Rep. Mike Pence of Indiana, including the following Texans: Joe Barton, Kevin Brady, Michael Burgess, John Carter, Mike Conaway, John Culberson, Louis Gohmert, Jeb Hensarling, Kenny Marchant, Michael McCaul, Randy Neugebauer, Ted Poe, Pete Sessions and Mac Thornberry have just released their legislative agenda for 2006.
This is their ten point plan, all of which needs to be voted on and passed!
- Make the tax cuts permanent – repeal the marriage tax penalty, repeal the death tax, and pass fundamental tax reform.
- Pass budget reform, a line item veto and establish a “rainy day” fund.
- Pass another deficit reduction bill.
- Pass ethics reform and rules to block budget “earmarks” that are major budget busters.
- Pass a marriage protection amendment to keep marriage between one man and one woman.
- Pass a balanced budget amendment.
- Offset any emergency spending (Katrina) with cuts from other spending programs.
- Ban human cloning and promote ethical adult stem cell research.
- Pass protections for religious freedom.
- Stop the raids on the Social Security trust fund.
There of course two big questions – can they pass? And is it too late with Bush at a 34% approval rating and the Democrats at their high water mark in the genetic congressional ballot? We have no choice but to try.
Arab Editor Says: Religious Extremism
Spreading Among Muslim Youth In U.S.!
In an article in the London Arabic daily Al-Quds Al-Arabi on Jan. 30, Dr. Muhriz Al-Husseini, editor of the U.S.-published Al-Minassa Al-‘Arabiya, warned that religious extremism is spreading among the young generation of Muslims in the U.S. “Some imams are working in an organized manner to brainwash adolescents in the Muslim community and to plant bogus ideas in their minds concerning Islam, jihad, and takfir, accusing other Muslims of apostasy. The youths spend their time watching videotapes and listening to audio tapes – most of which are given to them for free – on ways to train Muslim youth in military and ideological jihad, along with reports on the suffering of Muslims in some Muslim countries, as well as jihad, martyrdom, self-sacrifice, and the striking of terror into the hearts of the enemy.”
TCR Comment: Here we go on the European model of indiscriminate or illegal immigration and no real absorption into the American culture and language. It’s time to stop the rabble-rousers who are coming to subvert America paid for by our “friends” in Saudi Arabia. Have we learned anything from the riots in France?
Why Is Illegal Immigration
Such A Huge Political Issue?
As part of a continuing series spotlighting the issues affected and the political ramifications caused by illegal immigration, TCR will stay focused on this national problem.
The Department of Homeland Security reported that nearly 13% of the 1.1 million illegal immigrants caught along the border in 2005 had criminal histories!
House District 48 Runoff: Another View
By: Richard A. Viktorin
I am a precinct chair in District 48. As I undertook my GOTV efforts in support of Ben Bentzin, and especially when I received a negative response about voting for Ben, I attempted to engage the voter in conversation about the source of their dissatisfaction.
- Quite a few said directly that Republicans had had their opportunity in a regular session and two special sessions to pass school finance and property tax reform, but had failed. Therefore, they were going to give the other side a chance. When I asked these voters what they knew about Donna Howard, a majority said not much, but that they would vote for her anyway.
- I was surprised to hear a second gripe related to the special sessions: that we couldn’t pass school finance but sure could pass a sweetheart deal for Southwestern Bell.
- Most had a hard time citing specific negatives about candidate Bentzin.
- I heard a good bit of grousing about Washington and Tom DeLay.
- Since the last general election for the District 48 seat, the vote shifted away from the Republican candidate by a whopping 15%. Even in old liberal Travis County, 15% is a bellwether.
Please take my comments constructively, I’m just a messenger. There is too much at stake, other important issues from faith and family to the war on terror, which we will also lose if conservatives cannot govern on the issue of school finance and property tax reform.
TCR Comment: Thanks for this submission, it is an important perspective to consider.
TCR on the Air
COMING – (Friday, March 24 at 8 pm) to Channel 8 PBS in Houston, Texas – the connection – Red, White & Blue featuring TCR Editor Gary Polland and liberal commentator David Jones. The guest is Robert Mohammed of the Nation of Islam.
COMING SOON – Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison, Congressman John Culberson, and Congressman Al Green.
About Your Editor
Gary Polland is a long-time conservative and Republican spokesman, fund-raiser, and leader who recently completed three terms as the Harris County Republican Chairman. During his three terms, Gary was described as the most successful county Chairman in America by Human Events – The National Conservative Weekly. He is in his ninth year of editing a newsletter dealing with key conservative and Republican issues. The last four years he has edited Texas Conservative Review. Gary is a practicing attorney and strategic consultant and can be reached at (713) 621-6335.
Tune in Thursday Nights – Houston Warner Cable channel 17 at 6:30 PM for Texas Politics-The Real Deal with co-hosts David Jones and Gary Polland, awarded Cable T.V. personalities of the year by the Houston Press.