Hard Hitting Conservative Commentary by Gary M. Polland

Volume V Number 1 – January 19, 2006

New Leadership For The House
That Can Restore Our Core Beliefs

As the House of Representatives prepares to select a new GOP majority leader after Tom DeLay‘s unfortunate departure, conservatives are asking what does the party need?

Well, clearly it is a conservative reformer not tied up in the K street muck (Abramoff). And it is a reformer who is ready to control runaway federal spending and the insanity of rampaging earmarks by dumping an outdated budget process (which guarantees increased spending, not a balanced budget.)

The choice for a conservative is clear and National Review, Club for Growth, Human Events, and TCR all agree. John Shadegg of Arizona is the choice over Whip Roy Blunt or Rep. Boehner of Ohio. He is presently No. 5 in the House Leadership and is resigning (unlike Blunt) and running on the power of conservative ideas of “fiscal discipline, smaller government, lower taxes, a strong national defense, returning power to the states and greater personal freedom.”

TCR Comment: Shadegg may be what we need to halt the house Democrats Big Mo toward ousting the GOP as a majority in November. Besides, if we are going down, why not reach again for our proven conservative principles?

Alito Is A Star And The Democrats On
The Judiciary Committee Are Pathetic

While the Democratic Senators Kennedy, Biden, Schumer, Durbin and Leahy spend more time taking questions than asking them. While Judge Alito is demonstrating his brilliance, judicial temperament, and fundamental fidelity to the Constitution, these Senators embarrass the Senate, the Democrat Party, principled liberalism and themselves. TCR wonders, when are they going to get their comeuppance?

Of course, Judge Alito will be confirmed as the Democrats haven’t laid a glove on him.

And the Democrats can be proud because that paragon of integrity and virtue, Ted Kennedy, made Mrs. Alito cry while observing her beloved husband being attacked without any basis.

Good job. Now let us get on with the vote.

Primary Election Observations

1. General Comments

As TCR observes the flurry of press releases back and forth in a number of “hot” primaries, we keep looking for opportunities to differentiate between various Republicans. We want to know who are the real principled conservatives who are willing to stand up to the left wing media and special interests that could care less about Texas and who will help stop runaway spending and property taxes?

Tell the candidates to ditch the “rabbit trails” and get to it. We don’t care about how much money you raised, who’s on radio and TV and who’s not.

2. Governor’s Race Chaos

After declaring early and possibly keeping Senator Hutchison out of the GOP governors’ primary, Carole Strayhorn looked like a serious challenge for Governor Perry. How things change in six months as she is out of the primary and in as an “independent Republican”, whatever that is. It seems that Gov. Perry’s hard working campaign virtually locked up the primary and gave Carole Strayhorn little choice.

So now we have a battle in the fall where if a candidate gets as low as 26% of the vote, it would be enough to elect a governor!

TCR Comment: Of course anything can happen, but Gov. Perry probably controls his own destiny and by providing common sense conservative leadership on property taxes, spending and school reform, he will lock up his re-election.

RINO Warning:
Many House Challengers Are Candidates
Recruited By The Education Spending Lobby

Don’t judge a book by its cover. Just because candidates run in the GOP primary doesn’t mean they are conservatives. Since the GOP primary is the election in so many races, the big spenders have decided to run “their candidates” in the primary, hoping to oust more conservative candidates.

As a public service, TCR identifies the RINO candidates identified so far, so you can avoid them in March.

RINO’s To Avoid In March

Tommy MerrittHouse 7
Roy BlakeHouse 9
Vicky RudyHouse 16
Susan KingHouse 71
Carter CasteelHouse 73
Delwin JonesHouse 83
Charlie GerenHouse 99
Edward SmithHouse 106

Dallas Blog Worth A Look

TCR knows you are inundated with websites to visit, but there is a new blog that features former State GOP Chair Tom Pauken, who is a stalwart conservative and a good writer. Check it out at www.dallasblog.com

TCR on the Air

COMING – (Friday, January 27 at 8 pm) to Channel 8 PBS in Houston, Texas – the connection – Red, White & Blue featuring TCR Editor Gary Polland and liberal commentator David Jones. The guest is Harris County Tax Assessor-Collector Paul Bettencourt.

About Your Editor

Gary Polland is a long-time conservative and Republican spokesman, fund-raiser, and leader who recently completed three terms as the Harris County Republican Chairman. During his three terms, Gary was described as the most successful county Chairman in America by Human Events – The National Conservative Weekly. He is in his ninth year of editing a newsletter dealing with key conservative and Republican issues. The last four years he has edited Texas Conservative Review. Gary is a practicing attorney and strategic consultant and can be reached at (713) 621-6335.

Tune in Thursday Nights – Houston Warner Cable channel 17 at 6:30 PM for Texas Politics-The Real Deal with co-hosts David Jones and Gary Polland, awarded Cable T.V. personalities of the year by the Houston Press.

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