
Volume IV Number 14 – December 30, 2005

TCR says “hats off” to the state GOP and Chair Tina Benkiser for putting key issues on the March 2006 GOP primary ballot.

Volume IV Number 13 – November 18, 2005

While Paris and other parts of Europe were on fire recently due to dissatisfied Muslim and North African immigrants, what does this mean to us?

Volume IV Number 12 – October 20, 2005

The ongoing investigation of the so-called leak of a one-time undercover CIA agent Valerie Plame’s identity incredibly could soon be the basis of a federal conspiracy indictment against key Bush and Texas political master Karl Rove, Vice President Cheney, Chief of Staff Lewis Libby and former Bush Press Secretary, Ari Fleischer.

Volume IV Number 11 – October 7, 2005

So Ronnie Earle finally got two grand juries to indict Tom DeLay, though it is not clear what crime he allegedly committed.

Volume IV Number 10 – September 14, 2005

It’s fair to say that Louisiana’s local and state elected officials flunked preparing for dealing with the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.

Volume IV Number 9 – August 17, 2005

While hoping a miracle happens, we are probably tired of reading and talking about property tax relief, tax reform, education reform and ending Robin Hood as our legislators are.

Volume IV Number 8 – July 25, 2005

Legal immigration has historically been a good thing for America. Waves of immigrants through the years have made America a better place, the true melting pot for the world.

Volume IV Number 7 – July 6, 2005

For followers of Texas politics, the GOP version the last couple weeks has been tumultuous and fascinating.

Volume IV Number 6 – June 6, 2005

TCR over the last few weeks has had several conversations with key state representatives, state senators, and Texas conservative leaders.

Volume IV Number 5 – May 12, 2005

Our friend, economist, former head of Club for Growth and current president of the Free Enterprise Fund, Steve Moore has some great new ideas to jump-start the Social Security reform effort.

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