Hard Hitting Conservative Commentary by Gary M. Polland
Volume II Number 5 – April 18, 2003
War Goes as Planned
Leftists, French & Antiwar Conservatives Wrong
President Bush’s Vision on Target
As I write this, the highly active part of the war for Iraqi Freedom is about over. I just finished reading Time magazine of April 7th detailing all of their flawed assumptions. I guess they went to the press too soon.
The fact is President Bush deserves our thanks and praise for his focused vision and tenacity in following it through. Don’t hold your breath to see if our leftist friends like Dean, Kerry, and others or the soft conservatives like Buchanan and Novak tells us why they are wrong. The main part of the war was over quicker than the Gulf War.
It is important to support the President. So we don’t lose the post-war “battles” and continue to seek out the terrorists and their state sponsors like Syria, Lebanon and Iran.
State Legislative Update
(1) Tort reform:
The system is certainly broken though in the rush to protect doctors, let’s not forget the impact on others. To that end, Texas Eagle Forum is right, the tort reforms bill must also not harm the elderly or stay at home moms.
(2) Truth in Property Taxes – Forget Personal Feelings – Let’s Get The Relief We Sought:
Recently, there has been a lot of complaining about hearings in Austin. My suggestion is to stop whining and write your representative and ask them to stop the property tax increase juggernaut. That’s why we elected a GOP majority.
(3) State Budget Priorities – Let’s Not Be Penny Wise Pound Foolish:
The GOP is making tough decisions in Austin and finally trying to control our budget. Just a little advice: let’s not cut spending in areas where we are ensuring in two years we’ll have to spend more, like in our probation programs and transportation.
(4) For the Future – It’s Time To Take A Hard Look At Our Chaotic Tax System:
President Bush should be renamed the “Prophet” because as Governor he told us we needed to redo our tax system. He was right. Lt. Gov. Dewhurst is working on this and we need reform sooner. One other thing, if we plan to eliminate or reduce property taxes we need to kill it outright or put hard caps on them so they don’t come fully back to life over time.
Emerging Disturbing Developments In
2003 Houston Mayor’s Race
While not on the front page for many, behind the scenes there are potentially disturbing developments in the Houston mayor’s race.
The early polls show Orlando Sanchez, the 2001 runner up, is generating important voter and financial support led by key players like Ned Holmes and Jack Rains. He is leading overall and with Republicans. Some business-types who generally back Republicans are off the reservation with, of all people, liberal former plaintiffs attorney, Bill Clinton appointee Bill White. It is not a large number, but enough for some to wonder what they are thinking having had a front row seat for six years of the Brown Administration and seeing what a partisan Democratic mayor can do both in fund-raising and support for other Democrats. Anyone who claims to be Republican cannot and should not be on the White team.
As for others in the race – Sylvester Turner has picked important lobby support out of Austin due to his services as speaker Pro-Tem of the Texas House, having been appointed by the Republican speaker. Sylvester says we will see in his new role his fiscal conservatism along with his social activism. He is battling Bill White for the hearts and wallets of the Democratic base.
Finally, Michael Berry, the first term city councilman whose Republican – African-American coalition elected him once, but won’t again. Key political pundits are wondering whether Berry hatchet man consultant will turn his candidate into a spoiler – attacking Sanchez to such an extent we will be left with another Democratic mayor. One has to hope Michael Berry is smarter than that, not letting his once promising political career go down the drain in a hail of nasty negative campaign ads. This is especially true since his first campaign was based on his positive ideas to help the city get better.
It’s early and we will revisit this important campaign from time to time.
A Great Speech Worth Reading
Recently, during his acceptance speech for the “Friend of Israel” award, House Majority Leader Tom DeLay summed up Operation Iraqi Freedom this way, “‘Greater love hath no man than this: that he lay down his life for his friends.’ Yet today in Iraq, liberating armies are risking their own lives in a land – and for a people – they have never before met.”
This is who we are. “We come to liberate, not conquer.”
Majority Leader DeLay also had a few comments recently for the “blow-dried Napoleons,” as he called them, and on our Middle Eastern Policy.
To read more of Tom DeLay’s speech, visit his web site at www.majorityleader.gov
About Your Editor
Gary Polland is a long time Republican spokesman, fund-raiser and leader who recently completed three terms as the Harris County Republican Chair. During his time as Chairman, Gary was described as the most successful county Chairman in America by Human Events. For six years, Gary put out a bi-weekly newsletter which he has continued due to requests from many Republican activists.
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